Chapter 7; How to keep a secret

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Bill is gone, he's back at the "Anderson's" house. While he's out I decide to explore the mansion a bit, it's a 1028476 room mansion that's 10000000 m tall. it has 350 different floor and each room has something different in it aside from the different bedrooms. It all really showed off how rich Bill was.

I look at the time on the huge diamond and platinum clock, it's only 3pm so I still have another 3 hours before I have to go teach piano. 'What should I do to pass the time?' I say to myself as I wander the halls of the mansion. Then I hear Bill's voice echo from the main hall, 'How about you spend it with me~' I rush down to find him.

I see Bill standing there, muscles and all, right before my eyes. 'B-B-B-Bill??' I say cutely, batting my pretty dark long eyelashes. Then I remember, Bill is at the house! He couldn't be here!

I run up to "Bill" and yank down his pants.

'Eager are ya? 😏' He smirks. He's so hot but I don't see a mole on his hip, this is the accursed Bob!!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬


'Woah, Woah, Woah, calm down here, I'm not gonna hurt you'

'I don't care, I want you OUT.'

'Make me' He says trying to be seductive, unbuttoning his shirt.

I look around, trying to find something to fight him with, then I see the knight statues and remember a conversation I had with Bill the other day.

'Wow, you even have knight statues?'

'Haha yeah, the armour is platinum too, AND they're holding real swords'


'I come from a bloodline of knights, we are all very talented, even I myself can wield a sword'

'Maybe you can teach me someday then 😏'

I yank the sword out of the Knights grasp, putting my feet in position just like how Bill showed me. Bob slowly backs up and puts his hands up.

'Ok lets talk this out'

'There is nothing to talk about, I want you out of Bill's mansion! He told me what you did'

'Hahaha you silly girl, do you really think-' I'm not like other girls, and I am not afraid to stand up for myself, so I slice the sword and cut his leg. 'OW' He shrieks like a baby.

'LEAVE.' I yell in my hot pretty cute voice, 'NOW, OR I WONT BE SO GENEROUS NEXT TIME'

Bob smirked, 'Fine fine. You're a feisty one' he growls, and runs off. That was a close one.

I spend the rest of my time just reading, as I said earlier, I'm not like other girls so I'm a bit of a bookworm, I'm probably one of the only girls that can read.

I look at the time again, it's 5:30, better start heading over.

I drive in my old car, just to not grab any suspicions about Bill.

'Welcome back!' Bob's wife says opening the door to me.

I walk over to the piano and start teaching Riley. As it's still only her second lesson, teaching her is a breeze. I keep getting distracted however, by Bill. Pretending to be Bob who's pretending to be him.

He had come home from the grocery store, put the food on the counter, and kissed Mrs. Anderson's cheek, it makes me furious. How could I sit here two days a week knowing that that's MY boyfriend kissing his ex-love/his brother's wife?!?

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