Chapter 2; heading to the Andersons

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I'm driving over to the Andersons, heart racing, barely even thinking about the teaching part. I have butterflies in my stomach, why wont they just go away?

I pull up at the side of the road and walk up to the door. I lightly knock, and the door slowly creaks open. It's Mr. Anderson. He is wearing work clothes, he clearly just came home, and he looked so sexy. I was getting weak just looking at him.

'Hello Mr. Anderson, I'm here for Riley's piano lessons', I said, having trouble looking him in the eyes.

'Ah, yes, right this way', he motions his arms for me to follow and I head inside.

In the living room I see Riley sitting on a chair beside the piano and the lesson starts.

The hour passes by fast, Riley is only just learning the basics, so it was easy to teach her.

When the lesson is over I receive my payment from Mr. Anderson and head out, it is raining though, heavy, so he grabbed an umbrella to walk me to my car.

When I put the key in it doesn't start, and then the muffler starts making some weird noises. My car is broken. How inconvenient.

'I'm so sorry, I don't know what's happening, uh, here let me call someone', I say picking up my phone about to call a mechanic.

'It's raining heavy, why don't I drive you home? You can come tomorrow to get your car fixed.' He took my wrist and led me over to his car, opening the door for me to get in. We were so close under the umbrella, I wonder if he could see how red my face was.

I got into the car and Mr. Anderson started driving. It was a bit awkward, and I did not know how to break the silence.

'So... where do you live?' He said, breaking the silence

'Oh! Sorry Mr. Anderson. I live on 21st Everroad street.'

'You can just call me Bill, by the way' then got cut off my an emergency announcement on the radio.

It said that there was a hurricane coming, everybody should stay indoors and not to leave their house.

'What do we do?!?' I said frantically, tears welling up in my eyes.

'We're near a motel, it may not be ideal but we can stay there for the night and leave in the morning when the hurricane stops.' my heart starts beating again, spending a night, with Bill?

We enter the motel and head to the front desk to get our rooms.

'two rooms please' Bill said to the man at the front desk.

'Actually, we are almost out of rooms. There is only one left. With the hurricane many people have headed over here for safety.'

'Okay... then I guess we'll take that.' a room with Bill seemed like a dream. 'is that okay with you?' he asked.

'O-of course!' I said flustered.

We headed to our room, #14 and entered. Opening the door to see that it was a single bed.

'Oh....' Bill looked tense, 'I could sleep on the floor if you would like-'

'No no it's fine, you were the one who drove me out here in the first place, if you hadn't tried to help me then you wouldn't have to be in this situation. Please, I insist, you take the bed.'

'I guess we'll share then', and my blue orbs shone with delight, this was all I could ever dream of.

'Let me call my wife first, let her know we're ok'

I made my way over to the bed and lay down. Those pictures of Bill snuck into my head again like ants invading homes in the summer. I couldn't help but imagine what this night would entail, and I can't help but feel that photo wasn't an accident anymore.

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