Chapter 4; Mansion in the Hills

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We're driving away from the Anderson house, I'm still so confused.

'So would you mind explaining to me whats going on now?!' I say to him, brows furrowed.

'Well, that was my brother, Bob. You see, the one my "wife" married was Bob, not me. Bob stole my girl and pretended to be me. On one of our dates he tricked me into leaving the building then continuing everything as him. My wife eventually ended up falling for him and she still thinks that he's me. I tried telling her once but she thought I was a mad man and threw me out. Now I have to do all the work for my brother. I made a part time deal with him that on Mondays and Wednesdays I get to be me again. And he agreed. That's why I hired you for those dates. I want to start again with you and now I can escape my twin brother and get over my ex-love'

'wow...' I say speechless, this was a lot to take in. Then we pull up to his house. It was MASSIVE. I have never seen a house as luxurious.

'How did you afford all this?!'

'After the heartbreak and the betrayal of my brother, I decided to start my own business. And it definitely grew.' All this talk about money only made Bill hotter, I wouldn't even have to do piano lessons anymore!

'Now for my question'

'Yes, Bill?'

'Would you live with me here? All expenses paid' Living here?!? In this mansion?!? Of course I would!

'Of course! I cant imagine anything better!' I exclaim. This hot man with his money and mansion... wow.

We finally get out of the truck and he unlatches my car from the back.

'You wont be needing this anymore' he says as he leads me away from my old broken toyota.

He shows me a shiny glorious lambourgini that sparkles under the morning sky. I match the car's beauty perfectly. 'Is this really for me?' I ask Bill.

'Of course it is' and he starts to head towards the entrance to the mansion.

Bill unzips his mechanic uniform to reveal a sharp suit, perfect for a rich business man. He looks so hot and I can't take my eyes of his big muscles bulging even through his suit.

He opens the door to the mansion and the inside looks incredible. Marble white floors with big pillars and statues of Bill everywhere. There railings on the stairs were lined with gold, not a single fingerprint staining them.

Bill then clapped his hands delicately 3 times and I heard footsteps shuffling over to where we are, slowly getting louder as the unknown people approached.

It was... maids! Two of them, a butler and a maid actually. One holding two glasses of wine, and the other holding out a dress.

'For you' Bill says to me. 'You can change in the washroom, there is one if you turn right and head down the hall-actually, March could you show her the way there?'

'Yes sir' March says, and leads me to the washroom.

I take the dress and lock the door. Even the bathroom was incredibly fancy. Softest towels with gold sewn in, marble counters and a jewelled mirror. I quickly slide into the dress, which fit perfectly somehow, I looked stunning. My hair was so silky and my long eyelashes showing off my deep wondrous ocean blue orbs. The dress also shows off all the greatest parts of me, fitting around my waist nicely, usually dresses are a bit baggy around that area.

I head out the bathroom and go to meet back with Bill, the maid March showing me the way.

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