Chapter 6; a complicated relationship

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I wake up in the morning beside Bill, he looks so peaceful in our new king bed. I'm wearing a silk and satin nightgown, bought for me by Bill. I obviously look good in it.

I walk over to the mirror to admire myself for a bit. My long eyelashes, my perfectly shaped and symmetrical eyebrows, my long flowy honey-brown hair. I don't even have to brush my hair because of how perfect and smooth it is, I still like to brush it anyways though because I like to admire it.

I decide to make a thankyou breakfast for Bill. I am very good at cooking and baking. I know that Bill will love it!

I head towards the kitchen, still in my nightgown. I open the blinds and the sunlight streams through, warming my face and body, I look like an angel. Even just the slight breeze of the AC makes my hair fly in the wind.

'I'm getting distracted again' I think to myself as I figure out what I want to make for him.

In the end I decide to make him some chocolate chip sprinkle banana honey maple syrup pancakes, and some alcoholic orange juice on the side.

The breakfast making went smoothly, I only burnt the pancakes 5 times and added 2 litres of vodka into the orange juice by accident, but other then that I'm sure it tastes delicious!

Before taking the breakfast to Bill, I readjust my nightgown, tightening the straps so that more of my butt shows. Now I pick up the pancakes and bring them over to Bill.

Bill sits up in bed, 'mmm thankyou hotty' he growls as he takes the special pancakes and orange juice I made got him. 'These are... so good...' he says and grins at me. He must not have a big appetite because he put the pancakes down immediately after taking one bite.

'I actually have something to talk to you about...' Bill says with a bit of a worried look on his face.

'Yes? What is it babes?' I say worried.

'Well, all our troubles aren't exactly over yet. You see, my contract with my brother isn't broken yet and I still have to pretend to be him on Mondays and Wednesdays, which does mean that I will have yo switch places with him today. And you still aren't off the hook with that piano lesson. But we can't be suspicious and we cant let Bob's wife know.' He is dead serious about this, I keep getting distracted by his gorgeous muscles but I need to focus on the issue at hand.

'Also, try keep your distance from Bob. He will try to trick you, and steal you from me.' Bill pulls down his pants, 'see this mole on my right hip? Bob doesn't have that.' I keep looking at his whopper of an ass.

'Ok... so whenever I see you I have to pull down your pants and check?'

'Precisely. It may be hard in public and you most definitely cannot let his wife see, but it's crucial. He is trying to steal my business, and if he can frame me one more time with your accidental help, I could loose everything'


'I know it must be hard for you, but I want this to work, I want US to work' Bill places his hand on mine, our fingers intertwine.

'Me too.' I smile, 'you can trust me.'

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