"Yup, as official as official can get" Lena said as she kissed Luna

You squealed "Im so happy for you two"

Luna hugged you "Thank for being accepting of this, we know quite a few people who aren't"

You smiled "No problem Luna, I will always accept you for you, I'll accept both of you"

You said your goodbyes and see you laters and went and sat back down next to Hermione, just as you sat down Draco entered with Pansy, she slapped his arm hard, you knew she was trying to get information out of him but he ignored her which made her even more mad than she already was

Draco looked at you and you looked away from him, for a moment you thought you saw his eyes soften but then next time you looked at him they were cold again, must've been your imagination

Blaise and Theo entered shortly after and waved at you before sitting down, you waved back smiling at them

Breakfast was fairly long for you considering you'd been there since before it started, you finished breakfast and decided you were going to head to class, Hermione and Harry decided to leave with you,as you got up and started walking Harry whispered something to Hermione

"Hey Y/n I'm going to go to the restroom before we leave, you can start walking with Harry though"

"Okay, we'll walk slow" you said to Hermione as she started walking away

You started walking with Harry

"Y/n, what's going on with you and Draco" Harry asked concerned

You looked down at the floor, you knew this would happen "N-nothing, he was just being a prick"

Harry knew Draco, he knew this was true, but he knew you better, even better than you knew yourself "Theres more, isn't there?" 


"Y/n you can tell me, we've been best friends since first year" you truly were best friends with Harry, he was the first friend you made at Hogwarts which is shocking considering your a slytherin, you have a lot of best friends but Harry was by far the best (don't tell Pansy or Theo, although the tie for second place)

"He-" you struggled to find a way to explain what happened "He acted like Cedric....he was possessive and jealous...and angry, so so angry..."

Harry grew angrier the more you spoke "I'll kill him, I'll kill that blasted Malfoy!"

"Harry, it's ok really...I've been avoiding him that's why I've hung out with you and Hermione and Ron so much, I've cooled down and I'm hoping he has too" you placed your hand in Harry's

Harry seemed to calm down as you held his hand "I just don't want to see you hurt Y/n, I care about you"

"I know, but murdering Malfoy isn't the answer"

Harry hugged you as he stroked your hair, you felt calm, you had forgotten how much Harry helps you

"I'm back" Hermione said just as you and Harry were breaking your hug

"Hey, ready to go?" You asked Hermione


You walked with Harry and Hermione to Herbology and just as you got there the bell rang

Harry gave you a smile "I'll see you in charms"

You smiled back at him

"Bye Hermione" Harry said before walking off

-Time Jump-

Your classes went by and it was now dinner time, in Potions you sat next to Parvati Patil and ignored Draco to the best of your abilities, Charms was lovely you just talked with Harry the whole time and took notes on the lesson

My Protector (Draco Malfoy x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora