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adjective ~ lacking courage 

The thundering footsteps grew closer and the pack bristled with anticipation. Sean's group moved up to our flank as we waited if Phoenix's order. My hackles were raised in expectation of what was to come.

The enemy suddenly began to slow their pace until they were walking a mere hundred yards away. The greasy spitball of a leader was in the front, the man who tried to touch me to his right. Cel growled in anticipation wanting nothing more than to tear his throat out.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Spitball spat.

Growls sounded from both sides as Phoenix took a step closer. Spit ball's fingers clenched around a gun in his holster and my nose twitched in distaste.

"We are here with the understanding you are taking and harming wolves," Phoenix spoke, his tone firm.

Spitball shuffled and scoffed. "And you being a tiny army to what? Prove that your thoughts are true?"

Phoenix tensed. "No, I have proof. I know you are."

He rolled his eyes. "What, did your old witch friend tell you that? You can't trust a witch, the only thing they're good for is spells and that's when you beat them into submission."

I found myself growling in anger. This man was so disrespectful, I could practically taste the lies that left his lips. His eyes turned to me and studied me harshly. His body turned to look at someone on his right, their facial expressions told me they were speaking through a mind link.

"Witch. Come here."

Raven jumped but made her way to his side. I could see her sweating a little, her body curling in on itself as he raised his hand to grab her arm.

"Is that what I think it is?" He spat, jostling her to point at me.

"W-what?" She gasped.

He growled. "I thought you said the Hala family were all wiped out!"

She shrieked at his grip on her arm, shaking her head. "I did not know there were survivors!"

He threw her to the floor in anger and she cried in pain when her arms hit the floor. Gaia staggered forwards, her motherly instincts overpowering her sense of danger. I took a step forwards and let out a sharp growl, finding Pollux doing the same.

"Two! How could you misplace two? We wanted that bloodline wiped out! You know the prophecies !" He snarled, kicking her shin.

She wailed but his anger was overpowering him and his eyes darkened to those of a predator.

"Who is we?" Phoenix growled.

Spitball laughed mockingly. "No way I'm telling you. You better get out here before we kill you."

Many of us growled, our claws digging into the solid ground. The enemy shuffled on their feet, glancing between us and their leader. The moon cast a bright glow that crept through the trees, lighting our path to them almost ironically.

"We are not leaving. You stand down or we will take you down." Phoenix grumbled.

Spitball laughed, his friends joining in. "How about this? You hand the Lycans over so we can let them die for the cause and you can walk away with your dignity while you can."

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