VOLUME 2 Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

"Ah yes, Vampire humor. Look, just simmer down the "I'm an ancient Evil Vampire" act and try to at least have some humanity. Just follow my lead and I don't really need you in full power, not yet. Maybe in the future, but don't worry. I already have something in mind with the blood problem."

"Haaa... I'll try my best."

"Yep, just try to be somewhat human."

"Just be gentle if you're gonna do anything."

"Of course. Now, help me up. I want to go for a walk tonight."

The Countess helps the General up, standing, he takes his uniform to the bathroom. Cleans it a bit and dons it. Still unable to walk properly, the Vampire uses herself as a crutch. They move to the empty hospital hallway.

"What's the get up anyways? Is that Gown the only thing you wear?"

"I have no idea how this is relevant to the current situation, but since you're my M'Lord now. I will humor it. I have many other outfits, but I like this one the most and the two inch heels that pairs with its is best for Dragovh's uneven terrain."

"That's... actually pretty cute of you not gonna lie."

"We-well. Thank you." Flustered a bit, she continues helping him walk around.

"Now, help me up those flights of stairs. My freaking brain is still liquid methane right now."

"Where are we heading, exactly?"

"The roof, I'd like to watch the city at night."

The two slowly walk their way to the roof, the Vampire gently helps him in every step. On the roof, Alana lets Paul sit on a chair on top. He looks up, just admiring the clear sky. Devoid of light pollution, he could clearly see the stars and the openness of space and the blueish Moon with its little friend orbiting around it.

"Ah, the things we've built. This is your first time in our little city, am I correct?"

"Mhm, it's strange yet amazing, these rectangular structures you've built."

"We welcome you. I guess since you're part of the Knights of Eldwood, I might as well properly introduce myself. As you know, I'm Paul. Paul Jackson, I'm one of the original twelve Knights of Eldwood. I now serve to lead or somewhat keep the ground forces on a level of competency. Pleased to meet you Miss Alana."

As a welcome gesture, he puts his hand out and opens his palm, waiting for a handshake. The Countess smiles and shakes the man's hand with great gentleness.

"Countess Alana le Minuit of Manor Chaîne de Montagnes, One of the high ranking members of the Council of Blood, Governor of multiple Regions of the Vampire Kingdom, the crimson beauty of the Masquerade and the current owner of the Domaine de la Minuit-Conti."

"Well, that's a mouthful. Nonetheless, I hope you'll have a fun and engaging time with us. Think of it as a therapy session. If you're fucked, we'll unfuck it. That's one of the specialties of the Knights of Eldwood. Before we went out of ourway to militarize ourselves with all these modern arms, we used to take bounties and help out clans and groups that were having trouble as a vigilante Death Knight Order."

"Interesting, I actually thought you were part of the Demon Lord's Special Knights, you and your friends had a rather strange aura, lot's of power and I'm guessing so are the spells and weapons."

"Yea, I guess so. But we really don't know up to how far we can take the spell casting, so we keep it to a minimum. Without a Mana bar, we really don't know how much we can cast. I know I can cast Five Ancient Spells before getting my health bar out but I'm not willing to see if that's the same here."

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