Chapter 7 - Deal with the "Devil"

Start from the beginning

"What do you need my help for, I'm no help to you guys" I say being completely honest

Masky stays silent

"You'll find out soon enough, are you gonna accept the deal?" Masky asks

"I don't even know what the deal is"

"You help us take down zalgo" masky says standing up to grab something

"What do I get in return?" I ask

Masky puts a waiver in front of me

"You get to go back home"

Masky sits back down on his chair

I think for a couple minutes..

If I help them... then I could go back home...

I grab the waiver

"Do you have a pen?" I ask putting my hand out

Masky hands me a red pen and I hand it back to him not wanting to sign a waiver in red pen

"Can I get another color?" I ask

In all honesty it feels like I'm making a deal with the devil

Masky hands me a black pen and I take it from him

I walk towards a random wall and i put the waiver against it

I read the contract/waiver

"I, y/n. agree to these agreements and I will follow all the rules:

• I will not leave or attempt to escape

• I will listen to the bosses commands even if that means killing someone

• I will not attack any of the proxys

• I will not kill anyone in this mansion/house [Fighting is fine as long as you don't kill each other]" I mummble/read to myself

I sign the bottom of the page and I hand it back to masky

"Their" i say harshly

"Welcome to the group y/n" maksy says smiling

"Sophia, you can leave" masky says talking to the maid

So her name is Sophia... she looks more like a ayrianna to me

Sophia nods and leaves the room

"Now, what type of weapon are you good with?" Masky says standing up again from his chair

"I'm good with guns..." I say remembering all the shooting ranges I've been to

"What type of guns?" Masky asks walking towards the door

I walk after him

He opens the door and I follow him out

"All of them, I used to be fosterd by a racist, Homophobic republican family" I say

"What gun do you like best?" Msky asks turning to face me

"A 204 Ruger AR" I say thinking back to the times where I used a 204 ruger AR

Masky stops at a door and opens it

He steps away form the door so I can walk in

I walk in the room and masky turns on the light

My eyes widen (again)

The room is filled with masks and weapons

My eyes stop a certain weapon

I look back at masky and he takes off his mask

He takes out a cigarette and a orange lighter i look back at the weapon filled room and I walk over to the gun

I carefully pick it up and I smile

Its a bear creek arsenal AR-15

I turn over at masky to see him right behind me

"Is this the gun you want?" Masky asks making his cigarette out his mask

"Yeah.." I say looking back at the gun

"Alright then, let's find you a mask" masky says walking towards the wall of masks

I follow him and I stare at the masks

None of them catch my eye

My eyes stop at a white bunny mask

I grab the white bunny mask and I stare at it

One of the eyes is painted as an X and the other is just a circle [ X_● <---- like that] and the mouth is smiling

I turn the mask around and I put it on

I look over at masky

"The mask fits you" masky says blowing the cigarette smoke at me

I cough and I wave my hand around to clear the smoke

"Lets go, I need to show you, your new room" maksy says walking away

I grab the gun and I run after masky

Once I catch up to him I smile to myself

All I have enough do is get rid of a demon... how hard could that be?

I look down at the gun in my hand

I'll be home soon Heather and David... don't worry


1285 words



[A/N] I'm clueless about guns so if I got somthing wrong please tell me so I can fix it-

Also I made a playlist, you can lisen to it if you want

~Love, GoreBear :p

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