Filler chapter 1 - Bunny

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Warning: metion of yelling, divorced parents, cigarettes and alcohol, gambling addiction: debt, young child gets taken away??? [if I forgot anything please tell me so I can add it to the list]


"Daddy" I say hugging my stuffed rabbit, Mr. Bun tighter 

"Yes bunny?" my father says sweetly looking up at me

he's currently smoking a cigarette and drinking a bottle of alcohol 

"Someones at the door for you" I say looking at the floor

he groans and stands up, he doesn't bother putting out the cigarette he's smoking

he softly pushes me out of the way and makes his way towards the door


"Are you Mr. L/n?" 

"Yes I am, is something the matter"

"You're wife owes us money" 

"How much does she owe you guys?" 

The women at the door hands my father a paper and my father covers his mouth

"When is this due!?" 

"By the end of the month"

"I cant get this to you by the end of the month! Its impossible!" My father yells

I walk to my room and I sit on my bed

I put my stuffed rabbit on my lap and I stare into its eyes

Mr. Buns eyes are pitch black so I can see my reflection in them

"Bunny, is everything okay?" I hear someone say softly behind me

I perk up and look over at my mom

"Mommy!" I whisper yell

I stand up and I run into my moms arms 

"You're back" I say not letting my mother go

"Yeah, do you know where your father is" my mother asks 

"Mhmm! he's talking to someone at the door" I say finally letting go of my mother

I run to my bed and I grab my stuffed animal 

I turn around to see that my mother already left my room

"Oh.." I look around the room already knowing that my mother went to find my father 

Their gonna get into a argument...

I open my bedroom door and I quietly walk out

"Mommy? Daddy?" I say looking around

I hear mumbled yelling

I was right

I sigh and I walk over to the living room

I sit on the couch and sit my stuffed bunny next to me

"Hey Mr. Buns! what do you want to watch" I ask Mr. Buns

Mr. Buns falls over on his side and I again sigh

I turn the t.v on and I put on looney tunes 

I smile and the yelling stops

I hear the bed room door open and my father walks out with my mother 

"Bunny come over here"i hear my mother yell

I grab Mr. buns and I run over to my parents 




"Who’s going to look after me?" I ask hugging Mr. bunny tighter 

Both my parents look at each other and then back at me

"Bunny, both of us love you very much" my mother started to say

"But sometimes parents have to do things that are hard to do" my father says after my mother 

All of a sudden theirs another knock on the door

I cover my nose due to the smell of alcohol and cigarette smoke 

I hate the smell of cigarettes and alcohol 

My mother gets up and answers the door

"Yes come in" I hear my mother say

A male walks in and he smiles at me




After that was a very long process of jumping house to house until I was finally adopted

Their isn't really Interesting about my past 

Just a kid that was thrown into foster care because their parents didn't want to deal with them after the divorce 

My father went off to remarry, he marred a women names Veronica. They have 4 kids, I've only talked to him twice ever since that day.

He says I look too much like my mother and he can't look or talk to me because of that...

My mother went off and got herselfitrown into jail

she tried getting into contact with me but I would always refuse seeing her

after she died she left me a note and something else...


845 word's 



[A/n] This is just I Filler chapter because I'm still working on chapter 5. I kinda rushed making this so about that-

I think I did the math right but MC is currently 18! 

I didn't want MC to be abused and all that by their parents so I just gave them divorced parents and them being thrown into the foster care system [ abandonment issues too but where not gonna talk about that- ]

But anyways hope you have a good rest of you day, night, evening :)

I might of used she/her Pronouns by accident so if anyone sees that please tell me so I can fix it! I don't know whats going on with me today but I keeping using she/her Pronouns for some reason:/




Also happy late 4th of July...???

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