
353 3 19

Y/n = your name
L/n = last name
F/f = favorite flavor


I bounce my leg up and down, I look around the classroom. I hate everyone here... Wow emo much, let me rephrase that sentence quickly.

I dislike almost everyone here... isn't that saying the same thing? Whatever I'm pretty sure everyone here gets the point

I look down at my phone and skip the song. the song pork soda starts to play and I softly hum along, I put my phone back in my uniform pocket and look down at my black book. I pick up my pencil and start writing down some stupid things, for some reason I keep a book about everyone that I take classes with...

I've written down their fears, likes, dislikes, secrets, and all that. These things become useful at times, especially when it comes to teachers. the only reason I'm passing this class is that Mr. Jackson and the music teacher are having an affair with each other, the wait isn't blackmailing illegal? welp you know what people say, it's only illegal if you get caught

I probably sound like a creep, but I'm not, I'm just quiet... people don't seem to notice me so they talk about all their secrets and stuff next to me. That reminds me! I turn to a clean page and write a random title *New Kid*

A hand slams down on my desk and I don't bother to look up, I already know who it is.

"I need to copy your homework faggot"

I sigh and hand Randy my homework, I smile a bit because I have no idea what I was doing. I even left half the page empty

"dumb ass" he yells slamming/putting my paper in front of me, he grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me very close to his face, I feel my face get a bit warm but I keep a straight face. my earbud is still in so pork soda is playing in the background... Jesus this is like a scene from a movie or book

"You think you're funny? or are you just really dumb?" Randy yells at me pissed off

"yes I think I'm pretty funny and no I'm not dumb you are. you copy off my homework every day, If anything, you're passing school because of me" I say with an innocent smile on my face. I hear the door open and I also hear heavy footsteps

"put the poor kid down randy" The teacher Mr. Jackson says disappointed. The class goes quiet and looks at the teacher

Randy lets go of my collar and walk to his desk and sits down, I sit down at my desk also and take out my earbuds pausing the music in the process. I look at the teacher, an unfamiliar kid is standing next to him. I'm assuming it's the new kid

he has black hair that stops at his shoulders and blue eyes, he's also wearing a white hoodie with black pants with red high converse. he's wearing a black face mask, he probably gets sick easily

"Go ahead, introduce yourself," Mr. Jackson says already annoyed, he and his wife probably got into another argument 

"my name is Jeffery Woods but you can call me Jeff," Jeff says clearly not wanting to be here

no one wants to be here, school is just an excuse for guardians to get rid of their kids for 6 plus hours. the same thing with summer camp and summer school, no one gives a fuck about you or who you are.

I sigh and look down at my book again, I write down Jeff's full name and put a small note on the side that he wears a mask

"y/n pay attention" Mr. Jackass- I mean Mr. Jackson says to me!

I look up from my paper and stare at him emotionless, he avoids eye contact and points right next to me

"go sit down next to y/n," Mr. Jackson says to Jeff 

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