Land of Waves

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Hiaizen POV

We have been doing stupid D-rank missions for a couple of months now. The mission I apparently finding a cat. I am finally getting excited this is the mission we do right before playing with  Zabuza and Haku. Whilst I am zoned out in my own thoughts. I soon zoned back into reality.

Sasuke: Sasuke, I'm at point B

Sakura: Sakura, I'm at point C

Hiaizen: Hiazen, Point D

Naruto: Naruto, I'm at point A Believe it

Kakashi: You're slow Naruto, okay Team 7

Sasuke:The target has moved follow it

We all move behind the cat, Naruto as usual gets impatient and jumps at the, he does capture the cat however that cat ends up scratching him all over the face I grabbed the cat by the neck before it could to any more damage and potentially deform Naruto

I threw it up in the air a few times then caught it by the paw before it could so splat on the ground

Hiaizen: Now listen here you little fucker I get that you don't like your owner but you are not going to make our lives a living hell chasing after you nearly every damn day understand

The cat nodded and I smiled back at my team

Hiaizen: Okay let's go now

Sakura: Now I feel bad for the cat

Hiaizen POV

The Daimyo's wife was squeezing her cat to death and Naruto was enjoying its pain. But I didn't want to deal with runaway cats anymore

Hiaizen: Auntie you should try holding it like this

I readjusted Tora in her arms making him more comfortable then glared at the things seeing it shiver under my stare

Hiaizen: He was uncomfortable Becuase of the way you were holding him I highly recommend cutting his nails along with grooming him as well I think that's why he's been running away

Motherfucker won't be able to scratch anyone anymore if those long ass nails are cut and trimmed

Shijimi: Oh my thank you so much Hiaizen dear, I'd love for you to come over for dinner some time I think you'd get along with my nephew perfectly

Hiaizen: I'll have to see when I'm free Bye see you next time Auntie

I'm not meeting her fat ass nephew not chance in hell I'd rather be nice to Sakura

Hiaizen: And that class is how to get in earn the favor of the Daimyo's wife, even though I already had it

I mumbled that last bit, the Old Geezer's pipe feel out his mouth

The Old Man was about to give us our next god damned D-Rank mission until Naruto made a big X with his arms

Naruto: NO!!! I want to go one a real mission something challenging and exciting, not this little kid stuff. Cmon Old Man

Sasuke: he's got a point

Sakura: But he's such a pain

Everyone one was thinking until I spoke everyone's mind

Hiaizen: He's got a point you Old Geezer give us a C-Rank or something good

Everyone except Naruto and The Old Man were looking at me like I was crazy because of the blatant disrespect I showed to the Hokage and I frankly didn't care.

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