Massacre (edited)

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Hiaizen POV

Long story short I got her on my side here's a small run down of what happened

Hiaizen: I'll keep this short I want you to pledge your loyalty to me

Medea: Aren't you a little young to be making such demands

Hiaizen: Don't mistake my age for smarts you of all people should know that shouldn't you

So she's finally figured it out

Medea: You've been reincarnated as well

Blah blah blah she's my servant now after defeating her in a fight

And a small run down on Medea

As you know she's reincarnated she's well known through the underworld and black market she's also made her mark in high society she's close friends with the daimyo and his wife so much so that she was given half of the deed to the land of fire she's close with many many warlords she's become very famous due to her being so young as well the Daimyo sees her as a daughter she's 17

Hiaizen POV

I was training with

Shisui: Hey Hiaizen

Hiaizen: Yeah what is it

Shisui: Would you do something bad to your loved ones if it meant peace

I lost my peace of mind years ago I'm still not at peace entirely but I have you Obito Konan Naruto and a bunch of others if peace meant losing you guys I'd go on a rampage

Hiaizen: No if it was for my loved ones I'd sacrifice the world just to see them smile

I threw the shuriken into the bullseye

Hiaizen: Peace will forever be meaningless if you can't see the one you love and care about smile even if war stops it will simply start again as a result of more death the simple existence of humanity is what causes war the constant fighting for power, fear of being inferior is what incites war

Shisui: I guess we are different in a few ways, here I want you to have this

He handed me a necklace not any necklace it was an Uchiha necklace more precisely his necklace, his had a particular design to it which made it rather expensive and if anyone could get their hands on it and sold it would be set for life and the next 20 generations

A/N: (Here's a picture for reference ignore Sasuke)

Hiaizen: Why are you giving this to me I'm not an Uchiha

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Hiaizen: Why are you giving this to me I'm not an Uchiha

Shisui: I know but I want you to have it since I don't have a sibling to give it to

Hiaizen: Then why not give it to Itachi

Shisui: Because well...I don't know you just seem more relaxed and relatable

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