||15|| A Traumatic Past

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A warning before I start, this part contains reference to violence and mental health so please read at your own risk. I've included a trigger warning from where it starts.


The leafless trees staggered hopelessly as the harsh wind continued with it's eerie, victorious howling and violent lashing whilst being aimlessly determined to bring the boughs brittle to their knees. Their quiet screams diffused through the air, adapted to the nature's process restricting them from being able to stand up for themselves.

Jody stared into the night's wilderness and couldn't help but to empathise with the poor barks whilst recalling her own episodes of torture caused by the nightmare of her life - Kingsley. (The dominant name itself is enough to send shrills of agony down her spine.)

 "You breathe a word to the law or any of your friends, I'll make your life a living hell!"

His venomous words reverberated through every ounce of her body as she felt her cold hands cross around her body grasping onto the back of her coat shielding herself from the late evening's spiteful whispers whilst she strolled abruptly through the narrow streets after having to park the car at a further distance from the house. 

Alert at every step, her eyes wandered frantically through every direction holding onto her breath murmuring whatever came to mind to aid, boost and empower herself to only believe that she'll safely reach home.

Memories of those nights forming a flood in her mind where she sunk deeper each time. The reason why she had always avoided the desolate streets at late night after developing a fear of unexpected harmful events.

Once she reached the doorstep and clasped her trembling hand onto the handle, she could feel her heart squeeze whilst coming into view with the familiar timber staircase winding up to the apartment she calls 'home'.

Behind the golden slick panel with the number 3 carved inside, lies her secrets - good and bad.

Her fingers enclosed around the metallic ring in her pocket pulling out a bunch of keys as she slid all but one and attempted to fit it inside the keyhole which was marked with scratches caused by the same key a year ago.

She was doing the same thing again.

Her lungs inhaled the air around her whilst she quickly placed her left hand around her right one to prevent it from shaking miserably until she successfully managed to insert the jagged cue into it's lock and the 'clunk' resonated across the corridor.

However, as soon as the wooden door creaked ajar, a sudden harsh tug pulled her inside forcing her to tightly close her eyes as she felt a figure tower over her, caging her to the wall like she was it's bird of prey whilst she awaited the roars of complaint against her and the brutal actions followed after.

"I haven't got any money. Please leave me." She quietly chanted her only cries of hope, mumbling with her quivering lips waiting to be pushed into something or a sore sensation to occur upon herself warning her that she'd been let off this time. But who was she kidding? There's no way this demon would leave her unharmed for once.

Her breath hitched as she sensed what she believes was a hand, rise up as she wailed louder hoping that someone downstairs would hear before he could attack.

A striking grip landed upon her cheeks, opposite of what she anticipated. It was a soft firm grip that instantly caused her muscles to repose themselves sweeping the fear away and replacing it with protection, safety and concern. One that could come from only one person which she can never fail to recognise even with her eyes closed.

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