||9|| Observer?

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"Yeah cheers."

Overwhelming her sight, Jody stealthily let the light enter her eyes as his voice trailed its way into her soft ears.

"Yeah I'm alright."

She blinked continuously letting her hand rub the sand off the brim of her eyes as she attempted to focus on what's in front of her.

Above her head, ceiling scattered with intricate designs of white plates overlapping in many ways, piling through a never ending area like those of fish's scales.

Her eyes continued to follow the certain pattern pondering about the artist who had decided to manufacture it this way. Why the billions of circles rather than any other shape? Had they any intention to make their viewers suddenly lose their mind and question upon this?

Surely I'm not the only one. She thought deeply whilst sitting up but still staring attentively at the ceiling.

"I love it here but that won't stop me from visiting you."

Her absentminded wonder was disrupted by him, putting her into realisation. She had just woken up again and it's evening which just shows that she had slept the whole afternoon.

A mild yawn escaped her mouth as her arms extended outwards only to collide with something cold, immediately causing her to startle.
She averted her eyes to that direction where stood a ceramic bowl with leftover popcorns inside it grinning back at her and reminding her that they were watching a movie before she dozed off and she missed half of it.

There's nothing more worse than getting to hear spoilers especially from the one who can never control it. Therefore, she decided to go back to hers and finish it by herself.

As she stood up, she removed the bright scarlett blanket which laid upon herself and her face immediately lit up. He does care a lot about her, even in the slightest of things.

"You know what to do. I'm just a call away."

Well, as a best friend of course.

Jody could hear his footsteps approaching and his laughter appearing to sound closer so she proceeded to go to him but then stopped on her tracks at the doorway assuming that she'd basically be intruding. Who knows who he was talking to and she's lucky to have him here at the moment and they don't. Yes, he's her best friend but it wouldn't be reasonable for her to disturb them like that, would it?

She noticed him stepping out of the bedroom with a smile portraying a whole load of emotions. Maybe he loves UK, but St Lucia had certainly become a part of him now. The glow on his soft cheeks as he began expressing, grinning and laughing was more than enough to convey just how much the person on the other side means to him. There's no way Jody would want to ruin that.

But her heart couldn't help but flutter watching him. His right arm cushioned by his muscles, narrowly arched with his hand held towards his right ear. Upon his ear, the white device was embedded in the crazy black nest which clung onto his pale fingers like the vines on a tree. His broad shoulders tensing and relaxing simultaneously to his breathing - up and down.

She began to focus on this until her arm let out a cold shudder from the contact between it and the wall. She could then feel her lips creating a stinging sensation that burnt to the touch and had no idea why till realisation struck her. She had bit into them whilst...forget the rest.

She rolled her eyes at herself and darted towards the main door. She stealthily walked past him and since he had her back to her, he never noticed. She let out a quiet sigh of relief as she continued to reach her destination taking mini tiptoes towards it.

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