||13|| Trapped

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"Are you ok?"

Jody's head was rested upon his left arm and his right hand curved in front patting against her soft cheek.

"Yeah I'm fine." He replied, looking down onto her where she finally found comfort. "Why'd you ask?"

Her gaze hovered up to meet his, searching for a slightest hint of lie embedded in those crystal orbs because his face which was usually lit with warmth, now carried nothing but paleness and his lips were dry and even if he had them pursed together tightly, they were quivering. Shortly followed by his body - he was cold.

"We should go back now." She lifted her head off him and turned around but was once again restrained by him.

"Not yet." He implied desperately, his shaking mouth attempting to say more but gave up ending with, "Please."

She stared at him, startled by his pleading wondering what he wanted to say and why he wants to stay as for all she knows is that he'd be risking his health. He was freezing and it was obvious but there was a spark in his eyes that forced her to obey him. Therefore, her head nodded gently, leading a small smile to display onto his face as he turned towards the sea again with his hands inside his pocket.

She pursed her lips with her arms crossed in front of her following his intense sight, watching the tide push backwards and forth unable to calculate his thoughts. Yet, her heart was able to deduce one thing, he has a deep attachment with the sea and possibly, this had something to do with his mum?

"This is about your mum, isn't it?" She managed to break the silence after a long thought after battling between her heart and mind but regret washed over her instantly, wishing the sand beneath her feet would bury her in. Why couldn't she just wait till he opens up himself?

Tyler passed her a subtle look with his eyes a little wide which was far too easy to distinguish for he had always done that when words failed to reach him. Followed by a small nod to ensure the other person was indeed correct.

Some things don't change.

A heavy sigh escaped her once she received her answer. She began staring at a pile of sand which lay a few metres before her and seemed like the remains of what once was a sandcastle, until a gust of wind rapidly came through collapsing the golden particles and distancing them away from each other. Happiness never last long.

She then returned to face him again, distinctly observing his features and craving for his voice as he just stood there like a statue dazing into the wilderness causing her heart to wrench in agony. He was in distress and so was she, this is something she just couldn't bear.

"Ty..." Jody mumbled, her breath stuck in her throat as her arms eventually reached out and swung around his torso. She could feel his solid muscles gradually start to relax as she pulled onto his puffer jacket and shovelled her head into his chest. Soon enough, his giant arms engulfed her closer to himself gripping onto her shoulders like it was all he depended on at that moment. He needed her right now which is why he stopped her from leaving. He needed his best friend to console, comfort and heal him from the darkness he was going through. He needed light. He needed her.

For a while, they stood there underneath the moonlit sky firmly holding onto one another, releasing themselves from their bitter phases and embracing the mild solace and peace they receive when entrusting each other. All the while, she could hear his rapid heartbeats resonating against her forehead as if they were screaming words she couldn't infer. He'd probably been through so much in the past 2 years and there she was, always thinking he betrayed and abandoned her.

As those thoughts began to take control, Jody felt the urge to loosen her grip, guilt dawning down at her like hawks circulating around their prey; she could feel her stomach tie into an obnoxious knot. He doesn't deserve a girl like her!

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