Author Note & Thank You

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Thank you for following me on this wild, wild journey! Wow, it was such a headache, if I may be honest, dealing with the villains XD


But I so loved immersing myself into this USA-esque year 1855 world. I learned so much US history on the way, too. 1850-60s was a pretty interesting time. Hard to believe how much HISTORY is in these ten years.

Wow :O

Anyway, thank you so, so much for getting this far to this author's note. Richard's telling me he'll unleash Charcoal's wrath on you if you steal this story. I don't think you want that :P

See you in the next one! :D I swear, it will be here soon. It's written. Needs to be edited. Also, did you know it takes a while to get to Iptaj? Yeah, about that :P

But, wait, before you go, tell me your favorite character(s) and favorite moment(s) in the comments! Also, any speculations you might have for the future ;)

Finished Editing: July 29, 2021.

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