Resue not a war 😏

Start from the beginning

Jungkook instructed in his authoritative voice. 

"Remember one thing !!! Do not kill anyone unless it's un avoidable. Just injure them to a point to make them unable to fight. It's not a war."

Everyone voiced a "YES SIR" in a low but passionate voice.

Jungkook walked through the main gate where guards stopped him. 

"Who are you ??", one of them asked. 

A voice cut them off.

"Let him in. Mr Lee invited him. He will be waiting till he comes back.", said a man, Jungkook supposed him to be Woonyoung. 

Jungkook earned a nod from him before he walked through the main gate into the garden. 

"ACTION!!", Yoongi yelled and in the blink of an eye all the guards of Lee Mansion were on their knees while Jeons pointed guns and swords at their heads and necks respectively.

Jungkook smirked before going to the inner door. It was locked as expected. No one had the key.

"I am afraid I can not open this door Prince Jeon.", Wooyoung voiced out.

"Don't worry. Victories aren't for those who can't open doors.", Jungkook said. 

It was a famous saying of the Jeons.

"I knew about it and I'm prepared. Thanks for your help till now."

Jungkook raised his fist in the air and a mini bomb with very low capacity was thrown at the door and it burst open.

Jungkook ran through the empty halls trying to find Jimin's "room".

Jungkook's eyes landed on a door at the very end of a hallway and something pulled him towards it. 

He tried opening the door but it was locked. He didn't think twice before kicking it open. Yoongi and Taehyung also entered behind him.

Jungkook entered the room to find someone curled into a ball on the floor. 

That someone was the one his eyes longed to see.

"Jiminie...", he whispered to himself as if trying to make himself believe the fact that his lover was right in front of him.

He ran to him and dropped on his knees before lifting Jimin's pale face and placing it on his lap.

"Jimin !! Baby !! Open your hazel eyes for me !!", he said as he gently tapped his face but no response. He touched his forehead and oh it was burning.

"He's burning .", Jungkook said to the crying Taehyung and comforting Yoongi behind him.

"We need to get him to the hospital !!", Jungkook said as he picked Jimin up in bridal style.

"We can't leave this place for now. It's not safe. We are in a good position but not safe enough to take him out. There might be traps.", Yoongi said.

Jungkook just nodded as he starred at his lovely Jimin's face.

A beep was heard. Taehyung wiped his tears in an instant and pulled out his laptop from his bag.

"Oh !! The Kims are here !!", Taehyung said. "They are helping our men."

"Jin-hyung and Namjoon-hyung ??", Jungkook asked to which Taehyung nodded.

"Things are falling in palce Jungkook. I told ya.", Yoongi assured the worried boy.

Jungkook took Jimin to the living room and laid him on a couch before attending the call he was receiving.

"Is it done ?? Jaemin isn'there yet !! Maybe his men contacted him. Beware Jeon. Protect Jimin.", Chanyeol asked through the phone.

" won't be a problem. Everythingis under control.", Jungkook replied but before he could say anything else the door opened revealing Eunwoo.

"Prince Jeon !! Everything is undercontrol now and also Mr Lee Jaemin is outside on his knees waiting for you. He has something to say.", he said. 

"Bring him here.", Jungkook said.

A groan was heard. Jungkook, yoongi and Taehyung looked at the couch where Jimin was rubbing his eyes cutely.

"Baby~", Jungkook said as he walked towards him and sat on the couch, hugging him.

"Are you really here Kookie hyung ??", Jimin asked making Taegi chuckle.

"Yes honey. Are you feeling okay ??"

"I knew you would come to save me !!", Jimin said as he hugged Jungkook like his life depended on him.

"Yeah.. but we have something to take care of. ", Jungkook said as he pulled away and stood up.

The door opened revealing Jaemin and Eunwoo. Eunwoo had his gun pointed right on Jaemin's head.

Jimin instantly shot up from the couch and hid behind Jungkook. Jungkook's heart ached seeing his mochi so scared. 

"You may leave Eunwoo. I can handle him."

Eunwoo left.

Jaemin smirked at Jimin and said.

"Scared of me are you little one ??"

Jungkook walked towards Jaemin and punched him.

"Divorce him !!", Jungkook said getting straight to the point.

Jaemin laughed loudly scaring Jimin.

"You think I would let him slip. Look at him Jeon. He's beautiful. I love him. I won't leave him."

It was now Jungkook's turn to laugh.

"Love you say??", Jungkook walked towards Jimin and held his hand.

Jungkook kissed Jimin's forehead before bringing him closer to the psycho guy aka Jaemin.

"If you loved him. Just a bit. He wouldn't be in this state. You don't know what love is !!"

Jaemin smirked.

"You can't force me to divorce him."

"Actually I can !!"

Jungkook made Jimin sit on a chair before motioning Taehyung to hand him the envelope he had in his backpack.

Jungkook opened the envelope and took out the papers.

Divorce papers..

"Sign them baby~", Jungkook said handing Jimin a blue pen.

Jimin nodded before taking the pen and signing the papers without a second thought.

Jungkook pecked Jimin's left cheek as he got up a placed the papers in front of Jaemin.

"I killed none of your men Lee. Your mansion is alright. I'll pay for the maintenance of the door and a lock that I have damaged. Your men and you will be set free. Only if you sign these papers. Otherwise it won't be a rescue but a war. You mansion will ve burned down to ashes. Your men will be killed and you'll face what you deserve. A case will be made and legal operation will take place."

"You can't do this!!", Jaemin said.

"Believe me I can!!", Jungkook smirked knowing well how his words effected Jaemin.

Jaemin wasn't a child. He knew very well that his everything was at stake.

"Will you marry Jimin afterwards???", asked Jaemin.

"I don't think that any of your business Lee Jaemin!!", Jungkook said.

"Will you keep your promise??", Jaemin asked.

"A Jeon can never break a promise!!", Jungkook said.

"Okay. Hand me the pen." , Jaemin said knowing he had no choice and that he had messed up big time.

Jungkook smirked handing him a pen.
Jaemin signed the paper.

"Yoongi hyung !! Tell Soobin to stay here with some soldiers. He will stay here till the loss is fulfilled. And let's leave.", Jungkook held a hand out for Jimin as he continued. " Come baby~ Let's go."

Jimin took his hand and stood up but felt dizzy. Jungkook wasted no time and picked him up and took him to his car.

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