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10:32 pm

You lay awake in your room, eyes wide open and heartbeat erratic. In two days you and your class would be placed in an exact replica of the Antarctic Decimation case, one of the most popular yet most spine-chilling cases known to man. It was sinister. The case was sinister, and its intentions were as well.

The basic rundown of the Antarctic Decimation case was something like this:

Many years ago, a man who had a potent ability to control people with his mind had hand-selected people with deadly pyrokinesis quirks to be under his rule. They all were people with quirks that could produce flames above 2,600 degrees Fahrenheit, or they had a quirk that could compress the energy in a fire long enough to make the once warm, orange flames turn into an icy blue. His targets were very specific.

Some of the victims had been Enji Todoroki and his oldest son, Touya Todoroki. It was unknown how this user had discovered that Enji's oldest son was a powerful pyrokinesis user who would have been able to surpass his father in terms of power when he was kept so well-hidden, but he did, and with Enji Todoroki wielding a formidable quirk as well? They were a perfect duo to chase after, even despite the old man's title as a hero and high spot on the ranking charts. Their quirks were just too good to pass up on.

The mind controller's intentions were to gather these pyrokinesis users from all around the world and have them unleash their power all at once, burning everyone and everything in their tracks. They wanted to dominate the world and burn ever single other human being off the face of the Earth, and be deemed the strongest person to have ever lived.

He wanted control of all the strongest of fighters with quirks that produced fire, but there was also something else that was very off.

The man was also set out to destroy all quirks that even related to ice, except for one. The victim was a female and had been chosen to not be identified, but all that was given was a basic explanation of her quirk; she dealt with ice. That's all the entire world knew, other than the authorities who worked on the case.

It was rumored that he sent her thousands of letters exclaiming that if she were to be bred by all the people under their rule, they would create the most powerful of offspring and take down everybody and everything that stood in their way.

The entire world thought it was just a fatuous rumor, but they were wrong.

Somehow, a single letter had been leaked to the media by one of the investigators. The letter was messily written and could be matched with the proficiency level of a third grader in terms of writing, but it was legible even with all of its smeared ink stains and torn edges.

Most of the writing matched the rumors of the villain's ill intent on his need to demolish ice quirks and breed this woman to create offspring that would work under his rule, but there was one section that stuck out to you specifically.

It read:

"The child that would only be worthy of taking the throne is one with the perfect combination of a powerful pyrokinesis quirk and a powerful cyrokinesis quirk. One that that could create blue flames that would immediately freeze without the usage of any other power. It would be engraved in the pyrokinesis quirk- an ideal combination of fire and ice- an unstoppable force. It wouldn't require two quirks or two separate components of quirks to make one quirk; it would be an immediate combination of two- a flawless mutation. A hidden weapon- that's what it would be.

𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 〆 𝐁𝐍𝐇𝐀 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐅𝐈𝐂Where stories live. Discover now