You continued to have a nice conversation with Neville before class started, you were learning about Gillyweed as a refresher from last year and played a Trivia game at the end of class, Professor Scout dismissed you

You went to Transfiguration and sat in the second row from the front, you liked what you learned in this class but McGonagall can be a real drag sometimes

Class ended and you headed to Potions, this was one of the two classes you had with Draco and you were excited to see him, you made it a few feet away from the classroom when Draco came up and hugged you from behind

"Hi darling" he said before kissing the top of your head

"Hi" you said smiling

You and Draco talked about your first two classes as you entered Snape's class and sat in the very back, Snape was eyeing you and Draco as you sat down and took out your text books

"Ms. Y/l, Mr. Malfoy, am I going to have a problem with you two sitting together" Snape said as his eyes traveled between you and Draco

"No professor" you almost in unison with Draco

"I better not" Snape said in a rude tone as he turned around and walked to his desk

You knew Snape was confused on why you and Draco were suddenly not fighting with each other, you think he's secretly thankful for that, you two always made his class a living hell for him

Snape stood up from his desk and made his way to the front of the class, he made a speech on how we were doing a review test today on last years curriculum, fuck you Snape

You were the second person to finish your test, after Draco of course, and you went and handed it to Snape who took it from you with a sneer on his face, can he ever just fucking smile?! Or at least not look like a mean bitch

The class ended and you headed to Apparition which you have with Theo, the class was nothing special

You went to your next class which was Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid, he was your favorite teacher at Hogwarts and he had a soft spot you, you were the only other person Hagrid had a soft spot for besides Harry and you never knew why

You had this class with Pansy, Blaise, Theo, and Ron, Luna was there too so you invited her to group with you guys, she was Lena's girlfriend after all, the class was short and sweet you got to play with Buckbeak, Hagrid's hippogriff you know, the same one that created "it's killed meh, it's killed meh", you'd have to bring that up to Draco later, the only catch to this rather chill class today is that you have to name hippogriff anatomy as you played with Buckbeak, it was time to go to your second to last class of the day, you gave Buckbeak a few more pets and kissed him on the beach as he snuggled you before you left, you loved him so much and he seems to love you too, maybe you could get Hagrid to let you take care of him

You made your way back to the castle from Hagrid's hut, you met up with Harry before walking to Charms together

"How was Care of Magical creatures?" Harry asked looking at you

"It was great! I missed Buckbeak so much"

"I'm sure he missed you too, he always took a likening to you"

"Yeah well he always took a likening to you too"

"Well yeah, I spend a lot of time at Hagrid's hut"

"A chosen ones work is never done" you laughed lightly

Harry smiled at you as walked

You made conversation with Harry before you saw Draco walking down the hall towards you, he looked mad

Draco came up to you and kissed you hard, causing to stumble backwards a bit, Draco released the kiss to look at the shocked and hurt face that Harry wore "Pottah" Draco said smirking before he kept walking to whenever he was going

That jealous git, this is going to become a problem you can just feel it

You entered the Charms classroom and sat next to Harry, he was the only person you knew in this class. You always liked Professor Flitwick, not as much as Hagrid but he was a close second

You and Harry shared notes and had discussions on today's lesson, you invited Harry to study with you and Hermione in Library on Wednesday and he accepted the offer, Flitwick gave you the rest of the class to do personal study and you and Harry talked and laughed until class ended

You decided to go back to your dorm and get some rest before Astronomy which starts at midnight, Lena and Pansy didn't have Astronomy so they were still in class right now, you took a nap and awoke to Pansy and Lena shaking you

"Wake uuuuup, it's time for dinner" Lena said as she shook you more

"Yeah we're hungry" Pansy said as she lightly slapped your cheeks

"Ok ok, I'm getting up I'm getting up"

You got up and took your hair out of its ponytail leaving it down for dinner, you quickly brushed your hair and made your wait to the Great hall, you sat next to Lena and scooped food onto your plate, you didn't realize you were hungry until you smelled the pleasant aroma of food in the Great hall

Dinner went by quickly and you now had two more hours until Astronomy started, you decided to hang out with Theo who was going to go drink by the black lake

"First day go well?" Theo asked taking a drink of Firewhisky

"Yeah, for the most part"

"How are things with you and Malfoy"

"They-" you didn't know how to word your next sentence correctly "were going well but he's starting to turn into a jealous git, he only does it to Harry and it's starting to piss me off"

"I get that, Draco is just really protective and when he thinks someone likes you he's going to act like an asshole that's just how he is"

"I suppose your right....I just wish he wasn't doing it to Harry, he's been one of my closest friends since day one"

"You know he hates Harry that's probably why it's so bad, just try to ignore it, ok?"


Theo handed you the Firewhisky and you took a long sip of it, it burned its way down your throat and eventually landed in your stomach making it feel warm

It was now 11:40 and you had to start making your way to the astronomy tower, you ran into Draco about halfway up the stairs

"Hey Draco"

"Hi Y/n" Draco said smiling at you

As soon as you made it to the top of the astronomy tower you immediately remembered your date with Draco, that day was magical for you, you were a bit distracted most of class but lucky for you it was over quickly

You went back your dorm and got ready for bed not bothering to shower, first day was a success

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