Okay maybe I am slandering

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Let's start with Melayu karens.Yes,unfortunately,There are karens in here.There's some news few months/weeks ago that there were some karens tried to use 'Jalan Tikus' to go to Limbang.I think it was during Hari Raya.

Then,We move on to the Poklens.I don't know what the hell 'Poklen' meant but I think it refers to uh..some girl with her tudung too in the front? But they do seem annoying when they just broke up from their relationships.Guess what?There's a lot of Poklens in my school..

Mother,why would you send me to an All-girls school?That is where childish-ass fights would start...

Next,uhm K-pop fans.Yes,I used to be a K-pop fan but nowadays they got a bit...overboard? Telling people to stream their favourite k-pop group's new songs are getting annoying.Of course~ I usually don't mind them but after a while...they started to go & force people to vote...

I'm glad I have friends that don't go overboard with K-pop.

Next,Ahaha... Muslims that force people into their religion.I'm not saying Muslims are bad.My classmates who are mostly muslims have great personalities.Every good has it's bad too,right? 'Don't apologize to her,she's christian' those were the words that hurts me the most,don't you think? Being excluded just because I'm in a different religion.Then,some 10 year old that got my number and shamlessly told me their name without actually knowing my real name said 'Christianity is bad'.If you want to spread Islam to me,at least use a proper way.

Remember,I'm not hating on Islam.I respect all religions.Everyone is equal,we're humans afterall.Please,understand what I wrote and don't just immediately lash on me.


Yes,a bruneian citizen struggling to keep my view on the society here in a positive way.Ableists,Racists,Homophobics exists here and I'm just trying my best to just keep my usual face.The world is cruel to start with.

That is why I want to keep living.

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