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Zai pointed at the whiteboard that has 'Hetalia' written on it."This is," a long pause."A place Philippines and Brunei mostly got shipped together despite Brunei not being canon," he smiled."No,like,seriously.I like PhilBru especially the two fanfics in ao3!"

"But in countryhumans,well,Philbru would be considered as a 'crack ship'.I could barely see arts of those two in the fandom :( but because of that I eventually fall into Hetalia."

"I'm a total simp for Piri(Philippines) in Hetalia,I mean look at him with his sailor outfit >:>!"
And now,my dear readers.Is for you to request me again.

It could be ships.It could also be an art request but beware of my unprofessional drawing skills :3 Though,if you want to request a ship with a scenario you wanted,please be specific :>!

Also I won't allow smut for now because why?I lost my confidence in writing those things now :< I may be young but having friends with their yaoi addiction totally spread to me smh.

Also yea have this story based on that one tik tok video one of my aunts sent in the family gc;

Malaysia gettin' his vaccine.

Malaysia:Panjang...Sakit kaitu?! (The needle's long,does it hurt?!)

Indonesia,is recording:*trying to hold back his laugh*

The doctor(?¿) Idk tf they're called: *about to wipe the cotton thing on Malay's arm*

Malaysia:*Girly screams*

Cambodia and Myanmar:*Laughing in the distance*

Malaysia:I can't do this,I'm afraid of needles!

Philippines:Why are you so afraid of?It's like getting bitten by an ant

Malaysia:I can't do th- *Girly screams again* Singapore wtf?!

Singapore,who playfully poked Malay's arm just to scare him: Seriously,only poking already scares you one ah?

Laos: -w- *Pokes Malaysia's shoulder*

Malaysia: *screams*

Brunei:Mun alum kena jarum lagi sudah 'cam ni *sighs*
(Eventhough you haven't got injected yet,you're already like this)

Malaysia:What if I die?

Vietnam:Idiot,you won't die just from a needle..

The person:*Wipes the cotton thing on Malaysia's arm*

Malaysia:Mana jarum ni..lama jua(Where's the needle,this took too long)

Singapore:I don't understand you sometimes..

Thailand:Doc,better hold his arm or he'll end up breaking the needle *snickers*

-at the end,The person/doctor/whatever you called it managed to inject Mal without him screaming-

Malaysia:Wait,it's done already?Benar wah?(Really?) *Realizes Indonesia is recording him* SYAITAN! *tackles Indo*


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