Dandelions | 2 | Dandelions

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Author's POV

Renjun: You WHAT?! Marriage!?! Who are you going to marry? NA JAEMIN?!

Haechan: H-hey, listen to me first. . it's not like I have a choice to choose. My uncle told me to and I did it because I-i exchanged some exclusive stuff with him. I already signed the paper!

Renjun: Oh My GOSH! Hyuck! Why are you so-so stupid!?

Renjun shouts at Haechan with frustration at how his friend does something and doesn't tell him again. Renjun is just worrying about his friends.

Haechan: But who the hell is Na Jaemin? How does he look like? Is he hot?

Renjun: You don't know who Na Jaemin is, and you decided to marry him?! Like WHAT THE HELL HAECHAN!? I can't deal with you anymore. Your uncle can't do that though!

Haechan: I already agree with it, it kinda doesn't matter anymore. You know the contract is with my uncle and there's nothing that I can do about it.

Renjun: I just can't believe you, why the hell would you do that?! You are an idol though and you are the most popular member of our group, why don't you think about the other member.

Haechan: Look, it doesn't really matter alright? Because after all there's no prince come and save me from this dumb marriage. Plus it's a business marriage and people literally do that all the time, so it's fine.

Renjun: It's fine for you but not for us, what were you thinking when you signed the contract? You can't just do stuff for yourself. Think about others too.

Haechan: R-right . . sorry Renjun, I forgot to think about that, please don't be mad at me.

Renjun: I'm just telling you, did you think about the other? You aren't a kid anymore, Haechan-ah

Haechan: I said I'm sorry. Promise I would tell you next time? Okay?

Renjun: Did you tell the other members? If so, what did they say?

Haechan: I haven't, I just want to get to know who the hell I'm going to marry. . Like I don't know who he is, I just know that he's the CEO of NA Production.

Renjun nods his head and walks to the bed then lays down on it, thinking of the decision that his friend made, maybe Hyuck might have his own reason.

He shouldn't be harsh on Hyuck. . maybe The younger one is already thinking of what he's doing.

Haechan: You are not that mad at me right? I said I'm sorry, I should think about it first

Renjun: It's fine with me, as long as you are happy with it. Then I am fine.

Haechan: Oh My God, He's hot!

Renjun: Nah I think his assistance is hotter. He looks perfect. Just like a prince, perhaps he might be one of the magical princes.

Haechan: No? I think Jaemin is hotter. Do you know why? Because he's my future husband.

Haechan rolled his eyes playfully and lay himself down beside Renjun who's staring at the picture of Jeno.

He watches Renjun smile while looking at Jeno, it wasn't a smile that he gives to Haechan.

There has to be something between those two

Haechan: Y-you like Jeno?! Renjun?! YOU LIKE LEE JENO!! OMG!

Renjun: S-shut up, Hyuck! You are too loud

Renjun whispers shout at Haechan who laughs to death since he never saw the older one fall in love with anyone. Like ANYONE

Renjun: I didn't l-like him, okay? I-i was just admire him okay?

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