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" Where are we headed tonight?" I asked Weston, who was leaning against the truck while pumping diesel into it.

"Honestly, I wouldn't mind staying in a hotel tonight...I didn't see any good campgrounds around where we're planning on stopping tonight," he explained.

"Oooooohhh really?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's what I'm thinking."

"Awesome. I wouldn't mind a hot shower for once."

"Why... haven't you had one recently?" He asked, coming over to stand in front of me, putting his arms on the doorframe above us.

" Well....like the only ones we've had are from the campground so no." I told him, ignoring the way he was almost between my legs.

"There was hot water at every one I've been at so far." He said.



"Wow....I just assumed since we were camping there wouldn't be hot water."

" You mean you didn't even bother to find out?" He inquired drily.

"Nope. I didn't even turn the faucet all the way to check it." I said, putting my head in my hands. " I might be the stupidest person I know," I mumbled through my fingers.

Weston began to laugh, a deep, continuous laugh, and he put his arms around my shoulders and drew me to his chest.

"No you're not," he said kindly, and began to laugh again. " That's fucking hilarious though."

I groaned miserably but ended up laughing with him. Who cared about my stupidity when the person I was in love with was hugging me to his chest, and my mouth was pressed up against his throat and I could smell the woodsy, campfire scent of him? It never seemed to leave him.

Also the fact that he was in between my legs.

The gas pump clicked, ending the moment. He stepped away, still grinning, and chucked my chin.

"You're so cute," he said, and walked over to hang up the handle.

There it was again. He called me cute.

I scooted back into my seat, and put my head in my hands again.

All that time I could have been taking hot showers.


"Gotcha something," Weston said, tossing a pack of Almond Joys at me.

"How did you know I liked these?" I gasped, tearing off the end.

"Saw you eating them one time," He shrugged, buckling his belt and turning the truck on.

"Aww, well thank you," I said, biting into one with a moan of enjoyment.

"Welcome," he said, and flipped me his phone. " Put on my music."

" M'kay," I mumbled around my mouthful. I hit the first mix on his spotify and sat back, pulling my legs up on the seat and crossing them.

"How many more hours?"

" Six I think," he said.

"Mmm okay."

The second song that came on was Melt by and  Crimson Three I gasped as realized something.


"What?" He quirked an eyebrow.

"You look like Adrian Vine."

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