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James POV ~
2 days later...

It's been a while since the dinner party and I haven't been doing good if I'm being real with yall. I mean, how could she hide this from me for so long?

I should've known. Idek what to do anymore. But at the end of the day, we were both being irresponsible meaning we have to pay the consequences. I never believed in abortions and shit, I think it wasn't the right thing to do in my opinion.

I make bank and Nadiné's family is rich asf so we will both be able to provide for the baby. I know it will take me some time to process things but it is what is.

I feel bad for going off on her like that but with so much tension between us rn, I don't think I should see her for a few more days.

I'm staying in this hotel away from that big ass house to get my mind off of all that chaos. I'm surprised I even decided to stay in Atlanta but I can't leave the others. I mean we came together and it is a long ass drive back.

I sat on the sofa just staring into the ceiling with my thoughts when I hear my phone ring. I look over to see Nadiné calling me for the 7th time today.

I ignored it, not cause I was mad but more because I wasn't ready to face her yet

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I ignored it, not cause I was mad but more because I wasn't ready to face her yet. I mean I didn't know where we stand anymore. Everything was just mess. I just needed space to breathe...

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