Explosive Answers

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The speeches seem to last a lifetime, and they all have the same ending. 'Please donate', 'have a good time', 'enjoy the night.' I've finished my food already, as has everyone else at the table, and I'm counting the thorns on the roses of our table centerpiece. I wonder why the thorns were left alone, making the roses that much more dangerous.

Finally, the last speech finishes and there's a round of applause. I clap, too, just to follow along, and survey the room. The atmosphere returns to how it was before- the dancing and drinking- and I wish I could enjoy this night along with everyone else. Now that there's nothing to stop her from talking, Mariam turns to me, her expression an odd one. Her jaw clenches and she takes a glance at Emma, who's sipping at a fresh glass of water. I gulp and scratch the back of my ear just as Roger excuses himself. He doesn't seem to have noticed Emma and I dancing and I thank the heavens for small favors.

Mariam's eyes trail Roger as he stops to talk to a young couple, then she returns her focus to me. "I'm going to try and talk to him now," she tells me carefully. She adjusts her glasses and attempts a smile. It makes her look like she has gas. "Don't... get into trouble. I'll talk to you later."

Surprised, I nod dumbly as Mariam gets up and starts for Roger. Richard follows, giving me a strange bow-nod before he goes, and I'm left dumbstruck. I expected to be told off. Maybe being in public, and the fact the Mariam really needed to talk to Roger, saved me. I'm not sure about later, though. Mariam did say she'd talk to me eventually.

"That was unexpected," Emma says, scooting her chair closer to mine.

"Yeah..." Richard gets Roger's attention then Mariam starts talking. I watch her carefully speak to him, not yet getting to the point. She's good at things like this.

"Are you feeling okay?" Emma asks. She puts her wrist close to my face and I inhale deeply without thinking.

"Stop," I mumble, waving my hand for her to leave me alone. "I need to be focused. Your dad might be a runner."

Emma pulls her wrist back to herself. "I'm ready to go," she sighs. "I'm already tired."

"When Mariam's done."

Sighing, Emma crosses her legs at the knee. I gulp down the rest of my water and watch Mariam's conversation with Roger progress. Richard isn't doing anything besides intercepting others who attempt to get Roger's attention. Nice.

I lean forward in my seat as Roger begins to appear flustered and his answers get more dismissive. Mariam persists, her face growing hard with every word. I appreciate her tactics and can't help but smile at her artful interrogation techniques. Even in a crowded room she's giving her all and making Roger sweat. It's masterful.

After a few minutes, with his face red, Roger starts spitting his words and making veiled threats. Mariam takes it all in stride and continues trying to get the information she wants. Roger, fed up, gives Mariam a few choice words then turns on his heel and walks away. I immediately lift from my seat, my muscles tense, and track Roger as he advances through the crowd.

"Leave him alone," Mariam says as she comes back to the table. "He's not going anywhere. I'm going to talk to him again later."

Fisted hands on the table, I narrow my eyes as Roger disappears from my sight. I want to go after him, but then Emma asks, "What did you get from him?" And I remain where I am to hear the answer.

"Not much," Mariam sighs, sitting down and slapping her clutch on the table. "But he's definitely hiding something. I think he really does know who's behind all this."

My hands clench harder and I hear the table creak slightly. "I want him," I growl. If Roger knows, then he's deliberately keeping Emma in danger. He's protecting the perpetrators.

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