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The whole ride silent, we arrive at Emma's home within the hour. Emma has gone through a good portion of her book and I've relaxed drastically. I don't know why I was so upset about Emma almost telling about our secret late nights reads. Mariam wouldn't have judged me, especially since the ritual did help me get closer to Emma. I don't mind her snarky behavior anymore. Or at least I can tolerate it without wanting to rip out my hair.

When the driver parks the car Richard is quick to be the first out. He holds the door open for the rest of us, and even offers a hand to grasp if we need it. Predictably, Mariam takes advantage of his kindness and holds on for a second too long. I roll my eyes and get out on my own, blinking rapidly in the bright sunlight. The sun feels good on my skin and I bask in it before turning to the trunk to get my things, but some guard has already taken care of it for me, and I'm left standing unsure of myself. More so when I finally look up and take in Emma's home.

The place is a mansion, an actual, huge, damned mansion. It's gorgeous in the light of the sun and I kind of want to take a picture. Never have I been somewhere so extravagant. Big, yes, but beautiful? No. I didn't even know places like this existed outside of magazines.

I don't even realize I'm staring until Mariam clears her throat and makes me look at her. She raises an eyebrow and motions for me to follow her. I do so in awe, appreciating Emma's home much more as I get closer. Then I'm absolutely gobsmacked when I actually get inside. Everything is so clean and refined and expensive looking and- Damn it all, there's a replica of Michelangelo's David in the middle of the foyer! Wow, it's amazing. I have to tear my eyes away from the statue to look at everything else. Behind David are the stairs, two sets, one on each wall, that lead to the second floor balcony and beyond. The carpeting on the stairs looks so plush I could probably sleep like a baby on them.

"Do you guys want a tour?" Emma asks, bringing my attention to her. I only stare at her, something akin to envy rising within me. She may have a target on her forehead but she's lived a privileged life so far. Very, very privileged.

"I'll show them all of the entrances and exits," Richard offers, nodding at Mariam and I. "Cas, you'll need to know about them, right?"

"That would probably be best," Mariam responds.

I shake my head. Mostly because I can't believe the home i'm in, but also to tell Richard that I don't need to be shown anything. "No it's okay," I tell him. He squints at me. "I can break through a wall if I really need to escape, or if I need an entrance."

Richard blinks, shocked. "Are you serious?"

"Oh, yeah, she is," Mariam chuckles. "Trust. She's done it before."

Emma stretches and saunters around David, her heels clacking. "I'll show you the important places, then. Bathrooms and stuff."

"How about you show me were I'm going to sleep?" I offer instead. I want to know where I'll be putting my head at night. I can sleep anywhere but if I have a designated area, I'm going to use it. Especially since it's probably nicer than anywhere else I've ever slept.

"We haven't picked a place," Richard admits. "But don't worry," he goes on quickly, "I'll have rooms set up before nightfall."

That's good enough for me. "Right on."

"Good," Richard says, nodding once, a satisfied smile on his face. "I'm going to go talk to the head of security. I'll let him know you're home."

"I'll go with you," Mariam offers, much too quickly, if you ask me. "So he knows me. I'll inform him about Cas and what she can do. Her quirks and all that."

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