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If you've never seen an accident up close, you should try, if simply out of morbid curiosity. It's so gross that you can't tear your eyes away from what's in front of you. It's so hard to stop looking. A piece of you wants to study the damage, see what's been done, while another part of you wants to watch the wreckage from a far to see what happens next.

And I've gone with the former.

Just a few feet ahead of me is some poor woman half engulfed by a car. It looks like its eating her, metal hungry for flesh. The woman's legs are hidden underneath, presumably, her overturned car. I dip my head to peek inside a shattered window and see her things scattered about. A coffee cup, some pens, receipts, a purse, and even some extra clothes. Perhaps she was going somewhere? Whatever the case, she's not moving and won't be arriving anywhere. In the back of the car are the normal things people keep with them- things that help them in times of accidents. None of them would help in this situation.

Moving back to the side of the car, I shake my head and let out a steady breath. How did the vehicle end up like this? The accident is in the middle of the road, a smooth road at that, and there's absolutely nothing that would have caused the woman to swerve or crash. Did she collide with another vehicle? One that wasn't as badly damaged in the crash and simply drove off? If that's what happened, someone is going to have very bad karma for years to come. They could have at least called an ambulance.

Squatting low, I look at the part of the woman's body that's peeking out from the car, and grimace. I think she was pretty before the accident. I think. Blood is collecting around her head and there are glass shards embedded in her face. Her arms and torso don't appear to be in better shape.

I should probably help her... Or maybe not. My caretaker, Mariam, wouldn't want me to get involved with civilians that I'm not killing. It's not that I'm uncaring, I just really don't want to get in trouble. Then again, this woman is in way more trouble than I would be if I helped. I can't just let her die. Well, I could, but I'd probably feel bad about it in the morning. I suppose this woman is innocent and deserves to be saved. But what if she's not? She could have been drunk or under the influence of drugs...

You know what? Mariam can shove it. It's not like I've listened to anything else she's said. This woman has the right to live just as much as anyone else. Alright then. It's settled.

I look around the dark, empty street to make sure there are no prying eyes, squinting at every shadow. My night vision is impeccable, and I kbiw no one is in sight. I don't hear anything either. Thanks to the government, my senses have vastly improved to near superhuman. These are the times I'm glad I ended up a guinea pig.

Focusing back on the wreckage in front of me, I lift the car off the woman and roll it to a safe distance from her body. The sound is much too loud for my liking, but no one comes to investigate. That's good for me but bad for anyone else who might have an accident out here.

I go back to investigate the woman and see that her legs aren't too badly damaged. It looks like one of them is broken, but that's it. She must have an angel watching out for her. My own angel, though, is looking out for my well being, too. The poor woman was knocked out cold. Bad for her, yes, but good for me. She wont be able to identify me or claim that I'm able to do miraculous things.

So, now what? She's no longer being held captive by her car and seems well enough, aside from being unconscious. She's breathing, that has to count for something. I would call the police to the scene but I don't have a phone, nor change to use a payphone. I'm not even sure that I want my voice on a 911 dispatchers recording anyway.

Then that leaves me two options. I could either take the woman to a hospital myself or leave her in the middle of the road to hopefully be seen by someone later. The latter is a long shot, though. The woman could die by the time someone finds her. But I really don't want to carry her to the nearest hospital. The cameras might catch my face and if they do, even if it's just a sliver of my profile, i'll be in deep shit. Mariam will blow a fuse. But I can't just leave this woman here. I've already promised that I'd help her.

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