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Security goes into a frenzy as the girls and I step through the front gates. Mariam and Richard have been alerted via ear bud and the girls are ushered inside, surrounded by guards, while I stay out front to talk to Steve. He notices my wounds but doesn't react since I'm not making a big deal out of them. I tell him how we snuck out much too easily and that he should bulk up near the privacy trees. I also suggest a more advanced camera system for the house and bring up my idea about motion sensors in the backyard. Steve nods along, mumbling his agreement.


I wince at Mariam's holler and smile gratefully when Steve gives me an apologetic look and hurries away. I steel myself for Mariam's oncoming storm, feeling a burning sensation in my shoulder. My wound must be healing.

"Cas!" Mariam stomps up to me, her eyes on fire. "Are you insane? My God! You snuck out of the house, so stupid. You're job is to keep Emma safe not take her into danger!"

"I know," I mumble.

Mariam breathes hard, her nostrils flaring, an angry pink covering her cheeks. "You know?" She scoffs. "Yet you deliberately disobeyed orders. I don't like you sneaking out on your own, what made you think this would be better?"

I lower my head in defeat. I'm in the wrong so I can't fight, not that I want to. It was more than stupid to take the girls out just to visit a park. "I'm sorry," I say, meaning it.

Mariam sighs in irritation and adjusts her glasses. "Emma told me you've been shot. Where? How are you?"

"My leg and shoulder. Leg is clean and will be fine, but the bullet's still in my shoulder. I can feel it closing already."

Cursing, Mariam holds out her arm expectantly and I take it, then she helps me walk. "This isn't good. But I called Kaseem already. She's on her way."

I groan. Kaseem is one of the facility's doctors- one who doesn't like me. She's sure to be upset at being asked out here in the middle of the night to deal with me.

As Mariam and I enter the house, Emma and her friends look at me, their eyes questioning. Everyone, aside from Emma, is prepared to leave. They stand around awkwardly, then by a little pushing from Richard, they give their goodbyes to Emma. It's sad and heartfelt and blame isn't placed anywhere. When they're done, I nod at the girls as they're led out of the house by guards, and I watch as they're ushered into a limousine. The vehicle drives off silently and it's just the household left as the front doors are closed. That's when everything gets serious.

"I'm so sorry," Emma blubbers, wiping her face.

Richard clenches his jaw. "Your father isn't going to like this."

Mariam turns on me and I hold up a hand in surrender. "I know, I know. Can we at least wait until Kaseem gets here first? This bullet is making me itch."

"You're not getting out of this so easily," Mariam mutters. She points to the sitting room, the one place in the house that I haven't used or gone into. "Go wait in there. I'll wait for Kaseem outside."

Richard gives Emma and I a stern look then follows Mariam outside. Tired, I trudge to the sitting room and lower myself to the floor, ignoring a silent Emma just a ways away. Kaseem will need me on a level surface and I want to be ready when she gets here. On my knees, I peel off my jacket, having to rip it away thanks to the blood, and set it aside. Then I wrestle with my shirt, only to embarrass myself when I get stuck, fabric glued to my wound.

"Let me help you," Emma says from behind me. My ears wiggle as she steps close. "Can I touch you?"

"Yeah. Just rip it off. Don't worry."

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