The "Ceremony"

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Princess Natalia was in her red dragon form. In the arena, she was lying, defeated, trembling. All around, hundreds of dragons in human form, and human tops.

The crowd was wild, excited.

"Bad princess!"


" Weakling "

"And this calls itself a dragon?"

"Let me laugh!"

Her violet eyes looked at the ground, waiting for the final decision.

She was dirty and grimy.

Then a growl chilled her blood.

All her strength left her.

The terror, the real terror, was felt.

The dragons fell silent and only a few plaintive cries could be heard. The flies could be heard but only a subtle noise, a distant but sufficiently loud screeching to mark a heavy and infernal presence.

Only the beating of Nathalia's heart could be heard, and then the screeching became dull, heavy and low.

The claws of the Wyvern Lord were the only sound in the palace.

All the staff, even in the other rooms and ends of the palace, had stopped.

The aura was heavy, terrible.




The dragon, giant and with huge horns like those of an auroch, came forward, accompanied by his wife, a powerful and majestic Wyvern.

His concubines followed, all equally powerful and emitting a frightening aura of power and just as deadly as the Dragon Lord, Aldebaran, the beastly king, the Wyvern Lord and ancestor of the Uriah lineage.

Guards to the left and right of the princess prevented her from retreating.

The Wyvern Lord had huge black legs, a red body with black ventral scales surrounded by golden edges.

A blond mane, like blond and golden hair. And white, immaculate wings.

He was beautiful but his beauty hid his brutality, his monstrosity and his total lack of compassion. He was a monster, an arch-demon, devoid of pity.

He hated above all weakness, whether voluntary or provoked.

Then he opened his large eyes with red pupils.


Natalia opened her eyes in terror. She could not breathe.

She was paralyzed, unable to move.

Crushed by the aura of the lord.

Her heart was exploding in her chest.

Her crests rose from the tension.

She could see nothing around her but black and the ground was red.

The world was only blood and darkness.

Her father Uriah was no longer looking at her.

Natalie looked to her family for support, but no one was looking at her.

Her eyes widened even more when she heard a Draconian cry

"Great Father! Great Father!"

And another red dragoness but with red eyes and golden mane like Aldebaran appeared.

Reborn as a Dragon. Living as I Please (TOME 8 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now