Came to Annihilate

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Ivan was sleeping on the floor. But where???

He was still in his hydra form and a violent headache multiplied by 5 was making him sluggish.

When he opened his eyes, millions of small golden stars dazzled him and, finally, by putting his paw in front of his favorite black head, he could vaguely distinguish where he was.



(POV Ivan)

"I have chains on my paws?" and on my neck?

I was in a hemispherical crystal room with doors closed in a triangle pointing upwards. Each half-sphere was well over 100 meters high and I had recovered my height of 25 meters.

There was nothing but light that diffracted in the room.

On the walls, there were dark and red masses.

I put my eye against the crystal wall to try to see what they were and I understood the horror.

They were Tiamats... Lots of Tiamats... They were frozen in eternal ice. Many were mutilated, often with missing heads and frozen in the ice with their blood.

I was afraid.

The ice... My absolute fear... my trauma... .... I had been frozen "only" 5 years... but it had been an abominable horror and I still resented Goldur for it. I did not say anything, and did not show anything, but I resented him for this suffering. But I have a family now..., well... I had...

I got on my knees, and I began to cry...cry.. I was now a young man, a father but also a baby hydra in the temporal sense...

Then, the whole structure started to shake and the dome next to it opened...

The huge black Hydra was right next to me and I was shaking with fear. I started to make my sign of the cross... as a Hydra... and I prayed to the lord to forgive me. It's true that I had done some horrible things too and I didn't deserve any forgiveness... but it was also to save, not for personal interest...

I recognized another familiar hydra... Mom! Her 4 heads had been amputated and cauterized with... gold???? She was unconscious...

I screamed through the wall and knocked "don't freeze her...; don't freeze her.... please... she's my mommy...!

A door opened between the 2 domes but I couldn't move.

It was badly arranged and I wanted to throw a care of restoration on it... but nothing happened...

"Please, whoever you are... let me heal her....That's my mom..!"

Then the super Hydra held one of its heads in front of me which crushed me..

ENKA: "So, at least someone is begging for her? Yet it is the absolute evil..."

"She protected her family and her children.... she doesn't eat them..."

ENKA: "Are you so sure?"

I had my doubts.

ENKA: "Do you want me to show you what was waiting for you?

"Tiamat, is not like that!... She gave me back my life... I owe her everything!"

The hydra started to laugh.

"But look at the disaster... all those Tiamats in pieces... They're all dying... and your mom too..."

"Let me heal her... please..."

ENKA: "It doesn't work like that here... The Tiamats are out of time, out of the world. They are gods and not creatures. Would you like to give your body then to put the pieces back together???"

Reborn as a Dragon. Living as I Please (TOME 8 of the TIAMAT'S WARS SERIE)Where stories live. Discover now