Chapter 7: Ending What You Started

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Jimin walked around the darkroom smirking at the man with a bag over his head. He nodded to Taehyung, his company, to lift the bag.

Taehyung laughed as he thought of the torture that his best friend was gonna do. He lifted the bag.

Jimin looked at the unconscious man. "3,2,1"

The man jolted from his sleep and his eyes screamed with fear. He didn't know where he was and was stared back by a man smirking.

"Where am I?" he asked barely brave. Inside he was freaking out and thinking about his family.

"Your somewhere no one can hear you," Jimin whispered into the guy's ear. A guy behind the man cackled.

Taehyung grabbed his hair tightly and smiled at the man. He went in front of the man and slapped his face. "I'm sure your thinking that you have a family to feed. We all have families to feed but dude," Taehyung stopped dramatically.

"Did you seriously have to go us? The sharks? I mean who knew rich guys could be so stupid. I'm sure you used it all on something expensive and not on something you need for your life, not a fancy sports car,"

"Or a fancy restaurant," Jimin listed.

"You should be working on something like food for your family," Taehyung huffed and then looked sternly at the man. His smile was gone. When he turned not even an inch of hair moved.

"You know, we used to admire people like you," Taehyung said gesturing to Jimin and himself. "Until we learned what type of things you did," 

The rich man blinked dramatically like he was getting Taehyung back. "Look at what you're doing," 

"What we're doing," Jimin started looked at his best friend. "Is ending what you started,"

The man blinked again for a second then the next second was a gunshot straight into the head. It was so unexpected the man was stunned but then fell down in the chair with blood spilling everywhere.

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