Chapter 2: More New People

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"I'm Park Jimin," the new student said. 

Jungkook noticed how the new kid looked but quickly shot that thought away. What am I thinking?!

Jimin looked around the room with a glare in his eyes. It was a bit terrifying to other students, some even got goosebumps or chills. Jungkook on the other hand was trying to get the new kid business out of the way so they could carry on with their studies.

"So, Jimin, you can sit anywhere that is empty." the teacher said.

Jimin nodded and looked around the room again until he found a familiar face. "Taehyung!" Jimin said.

Jungkook now was a bit suspicious. How did he already know one of the bad boys of the school?

Jungkook shrugged. Isn't my business or my problem.

Jimin on the other hand went to sit next to Taehyung. They slapped hands and then Jimin plumped into the seat next to Taehyung and was 2 rows away from Jungkook.

"Oh boy," mumbled Jungkook knowing that it was going to be a hard year.


Later after morning classes, Jungkook went to his locker to fetch some ramen he kept on the top shelf if he was lazy to go to the store. He did that most of the time, Jungkook would stock up on fast food, like ramen, and keep them until he was lazy to not get something to eat.

He slammed his locker shut and then walked towards the canteen. Jungkook saw his friend Jin with a new person he saw before around school.

When Jungkook got closer, he noticed that it was Jung Hoseok. Captain of the dance committee. He was kind of a huge deal in this school, more than the captain of cheerleaders.

"Hey Jin, I see we have some-," Jungkook paused and looked at Hoseok up and down. Which we all know is powerful when it's useful. "-new guest here,"

Jin sighed at his friend's behavior and speech. "Jungkook," Jin said sternly.

Jungkook sat down in a seat across from Hoseok and Jin. He opened his ramen cup and looked behind his seat. He tapped a random person's shoulder. "Hey, do you have hot water? Thanks," Jungkook said and then stirred his attention back to Jin.

"You were saying?" 

Jin sighed again. "This is Hoseok, he wanted to sit with us for a couple of days, or weeks, since something awkward happened and yeah," Jin mumbled.

Jungkook nodded but lifted an eyebrow.

"Still, why is a highly popular person sitting with people like us?" Jungkook asked with a bit of a tone in his voice.

"Jungkook," Jin started clapping his hands together. "Can you just not have a temper tantrum right now?"

Jungkooks eyes widened. He then felt a tap on his shoulder. Jungkook turned back to see the person he asked earlier, with a pot of hot water.

"Thanks," mumbled Jungkook and poured it into his ramen to cook.

Jin cooled down by the time Jungkook was slurping his ramen. Hoseok was trying to make convos with Jungkook but Jungkook always was busy. Jin soon got engaged and annoyed.

"Jungkook...why can't you pay attention or something for once in your life?" Jin growled. Jungkook shrugged.

He obviously had no idea what was going on. Hoseok kinda knew what was going on.

"What, Hyung? What do you want me to do?" Jungkook asked with sarcasm. 

"I want you to be more social," Jin said while looking hard at his best friend's eyes, who was too busy looking at something else.

"Well, we all know the answer to that," Jungkook yawned.

Jin had enough with this attitude. It pissed him off. "What is the answer to my question, huh, Jungkook? Why don't you want to be social? Heck, you even decided not to go to prom!"

"Hyung," Jungkook pressed dramatically. "Prom is like any other dance. Why should I even bother? Sure there'll be some interesting girl drama with girls being like 'You bitch! He's mine' but it's like any other dance,"

People who overheard were no offense. Teachers who were monitoring the lunch room were now listening to the whole argument that Jin and Jungkook were having.

Jimin and Taehyung who were nearby heard a familiar voice and looked in the direction that everyone else was looking at.

"No, it's not Jungkook! How would you know?" Jin shouted. Hoseok scouted away and took out a bag of popcorn and started munching.

"Hyung. I'm human too. I've seen movies. Besides, there's nothing special to prom. Why are we even talking about prom?" Jungkook asked looking confused and then went through his thoughts process how they got to the subject.

In the middle of his thinking, a teacher decided to step in. "Jin is right. Prom is a time to remember your final moments and have fun before graduating and going to college. You're supposed to be loose and party by the time you're at college on the weekends."

Jungkook scoffed. "So? People should be more focused on their grades than on prom. I would rather go watch horror movies at the theater or go to a concert than go to a lame-ass dance,"

Jin gasped. "Language Jungkook!"

Jungkooks thoughts filled with fury. He slammed his chopsticks down and got up from his seat. Jungkook looked back at Jin and scoffed.

He then walked out of the canteen with steam pouring out of his ears.


Welp, hope you enjoyed it. Probably gonna be updating a lot today or maybe some editing so stay tuned for a lot of updates.

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