"Namjoon , I ran away from my house and I wanted a shelter as fast as possible, that's why I came to you. If I  would have told you about my real identity, would have you Still kept me here ? "

"I would"

Pain drops from his eyes.

"I don't fear anyone, if you would have been honest with me, maybe I could have helped you by now. "

"You accepted me as a roommate, helped me, cares for me, done everything for me, I cannot ask you anything more. But I really want to tell this to you, .....


I love you Namjoon..."

His eyes become widen from this sudden confession. He wants to tell her that he loves her too but things have changed now. His eyes become narrow and he pushed her back a little.

"Lie. Again a lie"

"No Namjoon it is not a lie. I really love you"

"SHUT UP!!!!"


She started crying and dropped down on the floor. He stood by the wall punching it and controlling his tears

"I agree that I kept my real identity a secret from you but I never lied about my feelings. I really love you please believe me. "

Nothing can work on Namjoon. He got heartbroken by his first crush and now by her. This is a sensitive topic to him.

"I don't care about what you think now. You might think that I will throw you now but no, I'm not like you who just think about herself.

I'm going to leave this house. Now. "

He picked up his keys and volet walked towards the door. Taehee instantly stood up and caught his hand to stop him from going.

"Namjoon please no, don't go. What will I do without you. I'm sincerely sorry. I'll never lie to you again. Please just forgive me once, please"

He just looked at her emotionless then snatched his hand away from her and slammed the door loudly leaving her all alone.

( Namjoon )

I could not stand a minute more there. My own house became suffocating for me. Only 3 things can release my stress a bit; beer, bridge and brother. I informed Jungkook that I'm at Hanli bridge, he didn't say anything nor asked any questions just told me to stay put. This night sky, stars nothing seems calming to me tonight. This clear stream where you can see the reflection of the moon tells me to go with the flow. Don't take any extream decision.

I was in my philosophical mind when a screech of tyres took my attention. Jungkook climbed out in a hurry and ran upto me. He stood beside me huffing.

"Nam-joon, you *huff* , *huff* okay *hufffff* "

He couldn't even say a sentence without huffing.

" First breath properly and become calm. Then talk. And yes I'm okay"

After becoming normal he stood beside me the same way I was standing. Leaning backwards and keeping elbows on the railing.

"Why did you call me this late and that too here ?"

" I'll cut short the story, Hana betrayed me. "

"WHAT!! HOW ??"

" Well, I had an idea that she ran away from her home and family but I never asked her. Remember When we went to the dinner, Yoongi got suspicious of her and did a little investigation on her. It came out that she is the daughter of Lee Min Ho, the biggest Don and mafia. And her name is not Hana, but Taehee. Lee Taehee. "

Jungkook was silent for a minute staring at me.

"Namjoon, don't mind but it's not a big deal. I mean she never lied to you. She just kept you away from the truth."

"It's the same only"

"No it's not "

"Are you my friend or her's ?? Why are you taking her side ?"

"Listen, I'm not taking anybody's side. I think there might be a grave reason why she didn't open up about her. Maybe it's about her life and death. You know, her father can kill her in a second. Or maybe he could have killed you "

Jungkook is making sense. There must be some reasons for her because she seems a sincere girl. And a beautiful one too.

"Did anything happened between you two ? Why are you being like a road side Romeo ? "

"Yeah. We had a fight before I came here. "

"........ You shouldn't have done that "

"What!! You are telling me that what I did was wrong and what about her?? Was it right ?  I felt deceived and got angry. Had she told me about her, would have I thrown her into her House??  She should have trusted me"

"Namjoon, idiot, you were a stranger for her. How could she risk her life. Ok now end of this discussion. Go home and forgive her.......if you love her. It's not that serious. I accept that she kept her truth from you but she's a genuine girl. You should respect her decisions. I know you have a heart of gold. Be a gentleman and forgive her."

Jungkook is right. I think I was a bit too harsh on her. I'll go and forgive her and confess to her that I love her too and will never leave her.

I turned towards Jungkook and smiled. He also replied with a smile then suddenly I hugged him.

"Thanks buddy. I was in a dilemma. You are the best brother one could have. "

" I know I know. Now go and tell her how much you love her"

" Alright, bye"

( Taehee )

It has been 2 hours since Namjoon left me here. I'm dying in guilt that I didn't tell Namjoon before. But I have reasons.

I cried for a while but now my tears have dried up. And was lying down on my bed with a pillow in my hand.

Suddenly door bell rang. I jolted up happiness. Namjoon came back. I know he loves me too, he would never leave me. I ran towards the door and without looking or asking who was outside, I just opened the door with a bright smile.

The moment I saw the person, all the colours drained out of my face.

"J-j-j Jong Suk!!!!"

To be continued...

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