Ohanas Unite

32 3 11

Hiya Descendants!

I know, super early... But I was up and rather than risk forgetting later, I thought I'd get this posted now/

May this early chapter be a worm for you birds.


Did I mention I didn't get a lot of sleep X.x

Lots of Love,



The lump in her throat grows larger as the knot in her stomach tightens.

She turns her attention to the sky.

Where the fuck were they?

What was taking Hiro and Lilo so long to return with her pup?

She felt like she was going to throw up.

She just had to see with her own eyes that he was safe.

She needed that.

Needed it to help her face the truth.

They were here.

All of them.

Jafar, Evil Queen, and Cruella.

She was shocked.

Shocked and terrified.


She presses her hand against her rebelling stomach.

She felt like she was going to be sick.

She scans the sky again.


She didn't feel that way often but...

Fuck if she wasn't feeling it right now.

Evie had been poisoned- sure only for an hour but still, it was a clear warning.

A warning and probably an introduction of what was coming.

Jay, fucking Jay, athlete extroidanere, had nearly drowned.


Had nearly- She roughly wipes at her eyes, trying to abate the burning.

If it hadn't been for David and Nani-

She puts her hand to her stomach as she shuts the thought down.


The sad man.

The non threat.

Had he risen again?

The vizer?

The fucking genie-

She closes her eyes.

And then there was Cruella.

Fuck only knew what the crazed bitch had done to their pup.

They still hadn't gotten any information, besides the fact he'd been abducted.

She'd never thought she'd be so grateful for Hiro.

How quickly the man had responded.

If it wasn't for him-

Would they even have stood a chance at retrieving their precious pup?

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