Scars and Guns

29 3 19

Hey Descendants,

Pennance chapter!

Thank you for understanding. We can't tell you how much it means that you are still here and reading this.

Hope this helps, that last chapter was another hell of a cliffhanger.

And thank you for bearing with us as we all navigate life.

Where ever you are-

Whatever you're doing-

Just know you're awesome! And appreciated!

And people who don't agree suck anyway.

Lots of Love,



He slams his hand on the table.

"Gotcha." He jumps to his feet.

Too long.

That had taken way too fucking long.

But he'd found it.

Found their Chibi-chan.

He hits send, knowing his wife would soon follow him before he races out of the ship and smacks his hand against the panel.

He could fucking kiss Go-Go right now.

He jumps on the motorbike, and haphazardly throws on a helmet.

It wasn't particularly his favorite mode of transport but it was the fastest.

The helmet's GPS guides him to the location as he twists and turns through alleys and streets.

Anything he could do to cut the time.

"Hiro," Baymax's voice crackles over the helmets speakers, "I have locked onto Carlos's life signs. His vitals are dangerously elevated."

He literally leaps from the bike, letting it skid away as he races to the doors.

He growls when he finds the steel doors barred.

He had tools to cut through it, but-

Time was a valuable thing.

He glances up.

Ground floor windows.

He races towards the fence before he jumps.

He covers his face as he breaks through the glass. "CARLOS!" He shouts as he races to the door and busts it open with a powerful kick.

His heart aches at the scream.

The pure terror of it.

All thoughts of anger drain as he looks around frantically.

This room was-

What the fuck was this?

Blood rushes from his face when it clicks.


He was in a-


Carlos's voice makes him turn.

He growls as he starts kicking down doors.

One after another.

He didn't give a shit if someone came.

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