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Hey Descendants!

Sorry about yesterday. What is time? And days of the week?

We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

Who else is ready to let out 2020 and ring in 2021?

Back to the story though...

Life has to continue on, and so we find the Core 4 integrating back into school life...

Thanks for reading, and please let us know what you think in the comments.

Lots of love everyone!



He frowns as he shares a look with Doug and Lonnie.

Were they going to come down for breakfast today?

He bites his lip as he looks at the food they'd gathered to the center of the table.

All three of them had agreed it would be better than them having to stand in line with the others.

They'd all heard the rumors.

Rumors about what Mal had done to Jane.

About the way her eyes had flickered before she took back her spell, turning the newly snotty Jane back to plain haired Jane.

But then-

He frowns.

Ignorant pricks.

He couldn't count the times the girl's eyes burned acid green around him, and not once had she been casting a spell while doing it.

She just- His eyes narrow before he snorts.

Had no control over her emotions.

Namely her anger.

He absently taps his spoon rhythmically

"Stop." Doug orders as he lets out a tense breath.

He lets out a heavy sigh, "Sorry."

It was fucking weird.

It was like all three of them had lost their appetite.

They hadn't even touched the food they'd gathered for the four last night either.

Even Ben hadn't shown up for dinner.

They'd been cleared damn it.

Not that the facts seemed to matter to anyone anymore.

Not when someone like Queen Leah could throw around whatever wild accusations she wanted.

Stupid old people.

Fuck that whole generation. He makes a lewd gesture.

Lonnie tilts her head to the side, "That seemed, well, appropriately inappropriate for the situation at hand."

"Yeah, well." He shrugs. "If the shoe fits or whatever."

Doug rolls his eyes, "You know-"

He's interrupted as a sudden lull falls over the cafeteria.

All three of them instantly perk up. He's up and on top of his chair before he can think about it, already letting out a shrill whistle before Doug can pull him back down. "Yo," He calls out with a stupid grin.

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