And They Ran

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Hiya guys!

Gonna go ahead and post this a little early, I've been aiming for Sunday night/ Monday mornings so this is close enough... right?

Anyway, we've got some really cool things coming out on Patreon soon, go check us out for bonus content and lots of other little extras.

And now, we hope you enjoy the chapter!

Don't forget to leave us a comment below.

Lots of Love,


"MAL!" He yells as he stares at the open doors in disbelief.

Why had they run?

Why had she run?

A low growl sounds in his throat.

What. The. Fuck?

Today was supposed to be a day to celebrate.

A day to bring in a new era.

A day to cement the future. Both his and theirs.

Then Maleficent- He turns to glare at the magical dome that once housed the wand but now contained the woman who'd caused this mess.

How had she even gotten- His eyes narrow before he closes them with a long exhale.


The wand.

That gong-like ring.

It must've- His eyes widen in horror as he runs for the door, ignoring the protests in his wake.

Once outside, he looks in the distance to find the barrier.

The, thankfully, still erect barrier.

The still erect barrier with a large enough crack could see it from the church steps. "Shit."

"We're certainly in for a lot of it."

"Dad?" He asks in surprise before concern washes over him.

He'd been horrified when he'd seen his father swept up Maleficent's tail. Paralyzed. Unable to do anything to try and assuage the terror that had filled him. He'd thought for certain his father was going to-

He swallows the acid in the back of his throat.

But then he hadn't.

Mal had caught him before her mother had the chance to toast him.

He never thought he'd be grateful that villains enjoyed playing with their food-

But if-

Maleficent hadn't tossed him with her tail.

Mal hadn't been so fast. Hadn't caught him.

Blood rushes from his face.


They'd almost lost him.

Hell. They'd almost lost half the most prominent people of the kingdom.

He grimaces.

No, some of the most prominent people in the world.

There were so many world leaders and ambassadors here.

If it hadn't been for Mal and her gang-

He closes his eyes as he sways slightly, dizzy over how everything could have gone wrong if it wasn't for the pack being here.

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