Oneshot 8

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(sorry for no updates today, too busy kissing boys xoxo /hj have a oneshot based off of Hayloft by Mother Mother but it's just Quackhalo cuddling. also, Bad's mother is a demon and his stepdad is an angel)

Quackity didn't expect a death threat tonight.

Bad and Quackity were cuddling. Bad lived on a farm. He and Quackity were cuddling in the barn. Quackity continuously swore until Bad screamed, "LANGUAGE!!!", alerting Bad's very overprotective father that his son was with someone.

Well, not his actual father. Bad was full demon, and his stepfather was an angel. He had an angelic, feathery appearance. Some may say that angels look like humans, but oh no, they did not look like humans. More like upright birds with a human-like face covered in feathers. Their legs looke like bird legs, but chunkier and with feathers. Not human. Bad's father had reddish feathers and blue eyes.

Bad's mother looked almost identical to Bad, but she was much taller than him. Demons's bodies were very gender-neutral and you could never tell what they were just by looking at them. You'd have to ask. 

Bad's father heard this and grabbed his shotgun. He had no idea who was with his son but he didn't want them there. He headed out to the barn and, behold, there was Quackity. He aimed his shotgun right at Quackity's face. Quackity took off running of course, leaving Bad confused.

But Quackity came back the next night, no worries.

Quackhalo oneshots bc I feel like itWhere stories live. Discover now