"That language?" Theo repeated questioning his father, "That fucking language? It's called Italian dad, you should know considering it's your wife and kid's heritage" he hissed

"I know what it is boy, but I do not like that in my home"

"What do you mean? What do you mean you don't like that in your h-" Theo asked before Aurora interrupted him trying to defuse the conversation before it got worse

"Ian how about we talk to Theodore about why we called him home" she smiled

"More like dad did" Stass muttered under her breath, earning a pleading look from her mother because she wasn't helping the situation

"Fine" Ian grumbled, sending one more message on his phone before putting it back down again

Really, he can't have a conversation without putting it down for more than two minutes?

"Theo we've heard about the fight and I'm not impressed with you" Ian started

"Okay and?" Theo asked not caring for his father's opinion of him

"Okay and, this has happened twice now...Twice! Twice that you've been arrested for fighting, once a few months before you left for university and secondly just last week. This needs to stop. I won't condone this, you're a disappointment" Ian calmly spoke as Theo glanced over at Stass, seeing her tense at the mention of the time before he left for university

"You're a fucking disgrace to this family and I will not stand for it" Ian continued,"You've ruined this family Theo and I need you to snap out of this childish behaviour and actually focus on your future, and your degree"

"Me?!" Theo laughed bitterly, pointing a finger at his father, as he addressed him,"I think you mean you. You're the one who ruined this family, don't push your insecurities onto me"

"Mum was barely ever home because she didn't want to chance running into you on the off day that you're actually ever home and you...you were never here, you were god knows doing whatever..."

"Or should I say whoever, yes dad we all know that you're cheating on mum, it's no surprise, but god - your assistant, how cliché"

"Stop being such a coward and tell her to her face. It's been six years. Six years that you've been doing this practically infront of her face. My mother's face that whenever I get the chance to actually see it, she has bags under her eyes because of how hard she works to get away from this house. She has bags from crying that she's in this shitty marriage because she can't tell Nonno and Nonna that she fucked up marrying you even when they warned her not to" He shouted

"You fucked me up. You! You fucked up this family... if I can even call it that, Dad" he whispered, unsure if he could even call him that right now because he sure didn't deserve that title

"I like this girl and I fucking put her through shit because of you, because I don't even know how to express my feelings and now I struggle to even know if I deserve her because of you and how you treat mum. I'm afraid I'll end up like you!" He admitted, his voice raising at the end because of the pure hatred he had for his father and the fact that he had lack of an idea what a good relationship was meant to be because of him. As well as his fears and insecurities in his and Naomi's possible relationship which he didn't even know how to make official because he was too afraid of her saying no

"That's not my business, you can like whoever, but we all know she's just with you for your money. You think you like her but you don't...just wait until she breaks your poor little heart" Ian taunted, getting up, standing from his chair to get into Theo's face

"Just get a fucking divorce, neither of you are happy, why are you dragging mum through this!" Theo snapped, rising from his seat, refusing to let his father belittle and intimidate him by standing over his seated frame

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