Chapter Eleven : For My Family

Start from the beginning

With the dress in my hands, Herc and the man had left me to get dressed. I had stared at the dress, knowing that it wasnt something that I wanted.

But until the time comes, I will have to play along with this game.

But the man, was still in mind mind as I had gotten into the black dress. The dress is beaultful I must say, it was black with purple flowers and blue thorns scattered around it. I might as well keep it when  I get back home. The only thing I would fix is the large opening.

Thor and Loki had known him when they were small, and he was a talented swordsman. Odin had sometimes had called him the best of Asgard, besides Frandall of course.  He could kill men for Asgard, and wouldnt shed a tear. He had to kill his brother in battle some say, but that shouldnt matter because thats in the past.

But now can he be alive?

When I had finished getting dressed, I had looked in the mirror. The men would see a mother of a future king, but I see a woman with a troubled past. A woman who had loved and had a child from a monster. Who know's whats going to happen between Drax and I, perhaps the next time we see eachother is when I get killed. He will be the one to probably close my eyes for me, slowly then would greet me with a kiss to the afterlife. Thats whats going to happen.

Ronan is now going to have a queen, even before Peter and the gang finds me. I might even be able to loose my head before then if I dont act like I am in love with him. I will do it to buy some time.

And to protect the young prince of Asgard.

Flashback : Knowhere, seven months ago...

When I had watched Father and Carina walk out of the house, I couldnt help but look a bit gloomier in the face.  My arms were warming my body as the cold breeze came in. Father had looked back at me then had risen an eyebrow just as he had put his hand on her back.

"Are you alright Ava?" He had asked me.

My hand was holding onto the paper that I had in my hands. A few hours ago, a messager from Asgard came to the door and had given me this letter. He had quick about it and had left before I could ask any questions.  He had said that he was sorry and had walked off.

I had opened the letter, and had hid my emotion for the few few minutes. But no one could hold back the tears from the moments afterwords. Frigga, the sweetest woman alive had given up her life to save Jane Fosters, Thors true love. I never had the pleasure to meet her, but if Frigga had thought of her as this amazing woman, then I should as well.

But Frigga was gone, something that I thought would never happen.

"I am fine" I repsonded to him. He couldnt understand what I was going through. My mother was enough for him. Anymore and he would become and emotionless zombie. He wouldnt get it, he never really talked to her enough.

Father had given me a puzzled look and had walked away from me. I had wondered why he was. But there was something that told me to forget about it. I had relaxed and had watched him close the door.

"Ava, we need to move fast! " The voice was right behind me. The large hand had turned me around so I could look at his face. I had looked into his blue eyes as he had revealed the black tattoos on his neck. His blond hair had been messily cut and he had worn fine Asgardian armour.

"What the hell?" I had screached .

"Keep your voice down! I know that you don't know me as well that you know your husband" He had said. I had remembered him from Asgard, he had been a excellent swordsman and he had given me his word that he would protect me." But I have a promise to keep and a order to follow"

Written In The Stars : Guardians Of The Galaxy/ Thor Crossover Book Three Of Marvel SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now