Steph nodded. "Yeah, that's kinda how it happened with me. I was Johnny's girl so no one questioned me becoming the leader."

"Right, well these new T birds pretty much picked their girlfriends to be pink ladies cos Rizz didn't care, and then they came up with the code. I guess it suited them since they were coupled up anyway."

Stephanie shook her head. What a typical guy thing to do. Make the rules to keep the girls in check. "It's making my life difficult now cos no way am I getting back with Johnny, I can't stand him! In the meantime, I'm not supposed to date anyone else, even if I wanted to. I might as well become a nun."

"You don't like Davey?" Frenchy teased and Steph scoffed.

"I don't know how he even got to be a T bird, but seriously this is driving a wedge between me and the girls. They think it's a badge of honour to go with a T bird and I don't. I mean they're just ordinary guys." She looked up as Michael came in. "I guess I should get going."

"Don't leave on my account," he said quickly. "I just came to give Frenchy a message from my cousin. It's not private or anything."

"No, it's fine. I've got things to do," she said ignoring the disappointed look on his face. "I'll catch you later Frenchy."


"So what does Sandy want?" Frenchy asked as soon as Stephanie left the room.

"She wants you to come around for dinner on Sunday," Michael said his eyes lingering on Steph's retreating form. He could never get her attention for more than a moment or two. "She said she wants to discuss something important with you."

"Oh?" Frenchy said, her interest piqued. "I'd better not let her down then."

"She was being a bit mysterious about it." He turned his full attention to Frenchy. "I didn't realise you and Steph were such good friends?"

"I guess us pink ladies - old and new - stick together."

"Yeah, I've noticed how cliquey things are around here," he said grimacing. "I thought I might have a hard time fitting in cos I'm English but I didn't think people would be so exclusive. It's funny, back home Americans have a reputation for being friendly but some of the guys are downright hostile."

"Don't let a few assholes get you down."

"They don't but when you hear someone won't give you the time of day because you don't wear the right jacket or drive a motorcycle..." Someone like Stephanie.

"Some of these guys are all ego and image," Frenchy said with a sympathetic smile. "If I was you I'd play on your connection to Danny Zuko."

Michael frowned. "And what good would that do? I know he was a T bird but that was years ago."

"He was iconic!" Frenchy's voice rose. "Every T bird since wants to emulate him, and probably every pink lady wants to be with him." She gave him a knowing look. "And that's what this is all about right? You want to impress Stephanie."

"I want her to like me," he admitted. "She's got me pigeon-holed as some kind nerd, and I'd like to think there's more to me than that." He let out a self-deprecating laugh. "At least, I hope there is."

"You're smart, funny, good-looking, she'd be lucky to have you."

He smiled wryly. "Well, she'd have to be the judge of that but just say she started to like me because I have some tenuous link to an old T bird? If she did, then she's not the right girl for me."

"It might get the other T birds off your back though," Frenchy suggested.

"I can handle them. Only Johnny tries to give me grief, the others are background noise."

Frenchy looked concerned. "But there's four of them and Johnny does have an aggressive streak."

Michael laughed. "He has little man syndrome, I can take him on if I have to. I'd rather not humiliate him though."

"Yeah, best avoid the little man," Frenchy said stifling a giggle. "But don't let them get you down."

"They won't."

"You sound tired," she said reverting to mother hen mode. "You look tired as well."

"I've got a lot on with homework and the talent show," he said rubbing his eyes. "I've over-committed myself."

She gave him a dubious look. "I don't believe you're struggling with that, you're too smart. What's going on?"

"I've been giving some of the guys private tuition." He showed her an essay he'd done for Goose that was tucked away under his own papers. "Let's say they need a lot of direction from me."

"Oh Michael." She shook her head. "You shouldn't let people take advantage of you."

"I'm not, they pay me. You see I'm saving up for a motorcycle." He felt a bit foolish admitting it out loud.

"Why on earth would you want a bike?"

"All the guys have bikes."

"Not all the guys, mostly just the T birds and their ilk." Her voice faded and she gave him an incredulous look. "Is this for Stephanie?"

"Let's just say she's inspired me."


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