Ablities Recap

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* Claws: Y/n has sharp, blade-like claws, and he can use them to easily slice ordinary demons to ribbons. He hardly uses them as he never loses his sword but a moment in the future may force him to use them.

* Accelerated Healing: Y/n is capable of rapid recovery from even the most grievous of injuries, but it can leave scars. This is shown when Akaza impaled Y/n in the chest, it indeed left a scar but it healed up without any medical assistance.  However this is not to be relied on as Y/n's healing stopped after he pushed his limit, and it didn't activate even after he got in his full demon form. Regardless, the extent of his healing abilities is not unconditional, and it has been implied he could not regenerate lost limbs unless he was in his mastered full demon form.

* Y/n can run and move at speeds that easily exceeded that of a conventional demon slayer. While not capable of true flight, having inherited a lesser version of his grandfather's more rudimentary powers, Y/n could manipulate his own demon energy to an extent when he jumped, allowing him to glide over long distances and slow his falls as he lands.

* Superhuman Agility and Reflexes: Y/n has inhuman reflexes and remarkable reaction time. He has sliced Daki's sashes coming at him and predict where she would strike. He has also been able to combine his reflexes with his enhanced senses to catch objects thrown at him midair without turning around or slice enemies. Y/n's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are similarly enhanced.

* Immense Speed & Reflexes: Y/n possessed great speed and reflexes that even a trained and gifted Demon Slayer. Y/n could even cause tremors to the ground and nearly launching a train off its tracks by running at speeds faster than the eye can see. His reflexes were so fast that he managed to cut Akaza's hand in half moments before the Upper Rank was going to kill Tanjiro. Y/n also managed to keep up with Akaza's high-speed techniques and Rengoku's attacks, which even the Y/n remarks is faster than the blink of an eye, sometimes even managing to out-speed them. Y/n's phenomenal movement speed and reflexes even surprised and impressed Akaza and Rengoku. After his training, Y/n is now extremely fast as Poison Breathing is all about speed, he is able to move as faster than Rengoku. It hasn't been shown if this is in demon form or not as he was in demon form when he was on Rengoku's level.

* Enhanced Smell, Stamina, and Strength: Like his mother and grandfather, Y/n has a stronger sense of smell than humans. He could easily detect a demon disguised as a human like Muzan, and could even sense when Tamayo's house was going to be attacked before it happens. Like his mother, Y/n's stamina far exceeded human standards despite being less than a quarter demon. He was able to run and leap vast distances at great speeds without slowing down. In terms of arm strength, he can now swing the Tessaiga and his new sword at subsonic speeds incessantly without tiring.

* Immense Stamina & Endurance: Y/n displayed superhuman stamina and endurance during his battles over the course of the series. Furthermore, his battle against Enmu when he fused with an entire train, he was able to fight him without breaking a sweat or showing concern. Y/n managed to keep up with Akaza, one of the strongest Demons in existence despite physically and mentally exert himself beyond his limit and sustaining multiple irreparable and fatal wounds, like a fist through the chest. Y/n managed to keep Akaza at bay despite having his vital spot, his Solar Plexus, pierced by the Upper Rank's arm and bleeding out so Rengoku could kill Akaza. During the fight with Daki, he was knocked down for a little before he got back up to join the others. Even after his body parts were cut off, he continued to fight and even scarified his only leg to blast it off, to attack Daki. He was able to keep up and adapt to Kanao's speed and techniques.

* Enhanced Senses: Y/n's senses of smell and hearing are nonetheless remarkably acute. He is able to hear what was going on from great distances away; as was the case when, he heard Uzui attacking the ground from far away. Likewise, his sense of smell is extremely keen; he could detect the presence of demons or people by smell long before they could be seen.

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