You Complete Part Of The Oath

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"Where are you?"

"I don't see you."

"I can hear you."

"But I can't feel you."

"I don't understand."

"I can't feel you... sob... I don't know what to do."

"What can you do?"

"There's nothing."




Something as childish as that would've ....

What am I doing?

I need to get up....

But ... how..? Let's try....


"GAAAAAASP!!" You immediately jolted up from a ditch and held your head. You tried to slow your heart a bit. "Damn it... how long was I out?"

You looked further down the ditch to see your swords. You stumbled to your swords and gently picked them up. You saw that your wounds from the hit had closed and healed. "Haganezuka... his smell is close by... I should make sure he's okay..."

You then smelled the scent of water, and turned around to see a huge fish like creature with a pot on its back. You immediately pulled out the Tessaiga and leaped in the air, immediately using Wind Scar to destroy the pot. The creature screeched and faded away. But more and more kept showing up. "Are they trying to prevent me from getting there?"

You ran forward and dodged an attack by another fish creature and pulled out your other sword while putting the Tessaiga away. "This should do it. Poison Breathing second form: Urokodaki's Mist!"

You cloaked the sword with a poisonous stream and thrusted it forwards, releasing a poison mist trail that each of fish absorbed. You smirked as little purple cracks on their body started to show, the cracks reached the pot as it started to expand. Soon, out of the pots came seemingly purple liquid and the fish creatures started to crumble away one by one. You looked around again and smelled. "Alright, that seems to be all of them for now. I should get a move on."

You sprint forward at high speeds to Haganezuka's location. You remember that Tanjiro said he was still working on the sword. But there's no way he'd still be working on it when everyone is in danger, right? You made it to a shed, only to get heavy pressure from the pots in the area. "Damn, another upper moon. Looks like my night can't get any worse."

"Hyo! You noticed me, Eh?" a demon came out of the pot. "I can see why he wants you. But why would you approach an abandoned shed?"

"Man, this guy is no joke. I can't let him throw me off." You thought as the demon started to speak.

"Hyo Hyo! Nice to meet you. My name is Gyokko. May I-"Sixth Form: Tanjiro's Determination." You immediately dashed for the pot and made four fluid motions, shaped like a v and then a cross or an x. The attack destroyed the pot but the demon appeared in another one far away.

A Demon's Blood Oath (Grandson of Inuyasha M!Reader x Demon Slayer)Where stories live. Discover now