They What?!

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You skip into the castle, a goofy smile on your face. (C/N: Crush's Name) had just agreed to meet you for ice cream in their AU.

"What's got you so happy, sib?" Killer asks, a small smile on his face.

"(C/N) just agreed to meet me for ice cream in their universe tommorow!" You exclaim happily.

Killer snickers as a teasing smile spreads across his face. "What, got a crush on them or something?"

You blush heavily and quickly glance away. "Was it that obvious...?" You ask shyly.

Killer's face contorts into one of shock, then anger, then it goes blank. "Uh, nah, kid. I was just teasing, didn't think you actually did."

You sigh out a relived breath and smile. "Good. Papa and the others would freak out." You laugh.

Killer's face softens at that and he sighs before nodding. "Yeah, they'd probably kill the poor kid."

"Exactly! I love you all, but they don't even know that I like them. So, they'd get in trouble and not even know why!" You explain exasperated.

Killer sighs and ruffles your hair. "Is the meet up after school?"

"Yup! We're going to Cold Stone!" You say happily.

"Right, then you might want to at least tell Cross and your dad that you're hanging out with them." Killer advises.

You shrug and nod your head. "Yeah, okay."



"Shhhhh!" Killer hisses, glancing around, sagging with relief when he realized you aren't there.

"They have a crush on (C/N)." Killer explains again.

"AnD yOu WaNt Us To WhAt?!"

"And I want you to just let them be."

"Why the he- ... heck would we do that?!"

"Because, Dust they were even terrifyed to tell me." Killer groans, placing his head in his hands. Why was this so hard to explain?

Cross hums and tilts his head. "I think it's fine. I met (C/N) before and they were a pretty cool kid. Plus, it's not like they're dating the kid anyway. It's just a silly little crush. It'll probably go away with time.

Killer sighs in relief and thanks the stars above that Cross had a good head on his meme loving shoulders.

Nightmare sighs but nods. "Fine, but I'm checking in on their "meet up" to ensure that they really are good for our starshine."

"Sweets'll be okay, boss. Chill out." Red growls rolling his eyes. "The kid's ten. They can handle themselves just fine nowadays. It's not like before."

Nightmare's shoulders sag as he relents that, "Yes, I know. I simply am worried. Even when they were under care I trusted they somehow ended up hurt. I just... I don't want them hurt ever again."

Killer smiles and places a hand on Nightmare's shoulder. "Cheer up, boss man! We can keep an eye on them the first two dates and then we can decide for ourselves if the kid is worth our kid."


You laugh as (C/N) tells you another joke, your ice cream all done a while ago.

"So, how about you, (Y/N)? Have you got any stories?" They ask, munching on the last of their own ice cream.

You grin as you lean forward slightly. "How about I tell you about the time I was kidnapped, hm?"

(C/N)'s jaw drops at this revaluation and glances you over. "Are you okay?!"

You laugh and wave it off. "I'm fine. It happened years ago. So anyway, here's how it happened. So, I was with one of my Uncle's when Dream my adopted dad's brother, although I didn't know it at that time ran in with his friends Ink and Blue when-"

You were cut off when a man, probably in his late thirties grabs you by the back of your jacket and presses a knife to your neck.

"No body move, or the kid gets it!" The man shouts out, not realizing (C/N)'s angered expression as they quietly get up and walk over to him, only to kick him in the family jewels.

The man's face pales as he drops you and the knife. You grab the knife on your way down, drop into a roll, jump up and spin around. You rush over to the man who is now hunched over himself, trying to protect his most privet area, and you push the man over, stomp your foot on the man's chest and press the knife to his neck threateningly.

"(C/N)? Call the cops please?" You ask in a sickly sweet time of voice.

(C/N) nods and runs over to their school bag only for a very familiar voice to call out, "Don't worry kids, we'll handle it from here."

You look up and, sure enough there's Killer and your father standing in the door of the shop.

"Dad?! Bro?! What are you two doing here?!" You ask, shocked.

Killer grins down at you and shrugs. "Daddy dearest got worried about your little date."

You blush and splutter only to stop when you hear (C/N) ask, "Oh? Are we already dating? I thought I still had to ask."

If it was possible, your face turned even more red.

Nightmare sighs and shakes his head. "We will sort out that whole fiasco later. For now, we have bigger fish to fry." With that, he turns his attention to the man, still under your new knife.

"Oh, right. What do you think, boss? Horror, Error, or Dust?" Killer asks staring down at the man.

"Error or Dust. I don't want anyone in Horrortale to have to eat this filth." Nightmare dismisses easily.

Killer hums and nods his head. "Fair point. I'll ask them when we get there. You want to take the kids back to their respective homes?"

"Yes. (Y/N)? (C/N)? Come along. We must get you two home."

"Okay Papa!" You say, a bright smile on your face as you get off the man and grab your crush's hand and run over to your father.

Despite being threatened, you think today went really well. You have a new (boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other) and your dad didn't kill them!

You giggle as you hug (C/N).

Yeah, today was a good day.

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