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"That would be 80 yen, miss." smiled the vendor.

Kanao looked at her pockets to get her wallet, but her pocket was empty. She then realized she didn't brought her wallet.




"Uhm... I'm deeply sorry but i forgo-"

"Hello! I'd pay for her."


Kanao just stared at the boy who interrupted and saved her from humiliation.


The vendor thought that it was lovely. "Oh, okay. How sweet." the vendor smiled,

"Also, can i get a dango stick too?" the boy asked kindly.

The boy was red haired, a scar on his head and he was wearing earrings. He was wearing a white t-shirt and black pants with a black jacket. He looks like he's in the same age of Kanao.

"Okay. Here sir.!" The vendor exclaimed, giving the boy the two dango sticks. "Thank you." The boy smiled as he receives the dango sticks and gave the vendor the money.

"Here." The boy said handing Kanao her dango stick.

"Uh, thanks..." Kanao said nervously as she receives the dango stick.


Both of them are now sitting in a bench that is nearby the vendor earlier, eating the dango together.


"Hey, thanks for that." Kanao spoke, as she looks at him

"No problem." the boy said while munching the dango. Kanao continued eating.

"This is so delicious." the boy commented. "Well it is... What's your name?" Kanao asked.

"We just met and you're already interested in me?" The boy joked.

"Wait what? no, no-"

"Relax! I'm just kidding, I'm Tanjiro. How about you?" He chuckled.

"Oh okay... Call me Kanao." She replied as she sweatdropped.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kanao." Tanjiro smiled at her.

"Hey, is there some sort of way that I could treat you back?" she requested. Making Tanjiro think. "I don't know, maybe hang out with me." Tanjiro responded.

"That's fine to me, but can't you hang out with your other... Friends?" Kanao suggested.

"Eh, I want you more."

"Eh.?" Kanao muttered.


Tanjiro looked at her "You looked cool and you seemed like your a fun person to be with, so i decided to help you." Tanjiro calmly said.

"Oh. Okay." She mumbled.

"I'm that one "single" friend in a friendgroup, so that's why I'm alone this day. They're all busy. Must suck to be the odd one, odd's one out. " Tanjiro stated.

"What a coincidence. I'm in that situation too." Kanao added.

"I'm not even surprised. I saw you walking alone all around the park." he pointed out.

"Wait, How long did you stalked me?" Kanao asked in suspicion.

"I wasn't stalking you. I was..Watching you.?"

"That's the same thing."

"No it doesn't."

"It does."




"I saw a Carnival earlier. Want to check it out? I heard it just opened a few days ago. It also has a lot of rides." Tanjiro requested.

"You must know that you're inviting a stranger that you just met a couple of minutes ago." Kanao told him.

"You're not really considered a stranger anymore since I know your name." Tanjiro stated which made Kanao a little annoyed.

"Plus, It's not a bad idea right? So why not try it."

Alone Together. [Tankana] حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن