3. The bench

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The hallways are already crowded when Camila walks into the school’s building, looking down at her schedule while trying to ignore all the stares for being the new girl. She ended up not being on time like she wanted to because she forgot she would have to walk to school this time. Her aunt was a nurse and had just arrived home from the hospital before Camila had to leave the house, which means she was just too tired and just crashed on her bed right away. Camila didn’t know how to drive, so walking was the only option.

 Camila tried not to feel overwhelmed by all the talking happening around her. She had been homeschooled by her mother the previous year, so she had forgotten how loud the other students could be. She looked up from her schedule, taking a look at the lockers to find hers when her eyes found this random guy looking at her. She didn’t have the time to properly look at him though, because she quickly noticed the red-haired guy from the day before next to him. She rolled her eyes and ignored, wishing they weren’t talking about her.

 As soon as she found her locker and started organizing some of her things in it, she felt someone stop next to her. She looked up to find Brian, which can only mean he was indeed talking about her with his friend.

 “ Hey, long time no see, Camila.” He was obviously flirting with her, but she thought it was just funny and kind of annoying. She looked at him with suspicion, wondering how he knew her name. “ It’s on your schedule. Your name.”

 Camila looked down at the piece of paper in her hands and there it was: her name. She was kind of surprised at how fast he had noticed that. After closing her locker, Camila walked past him and tried to make her way to her first class. She didn’t know where anything was, but it wasn’t like she would ask anyone either way.

 “ Okay, playing hard to get. I like that.” She heard Brian’s voice as he started walking next to her. He kept talking while she did her best to find her class, wondering when he was going to give up and realize she wasn’t going to talk to him. “ You’re really not going to say anything?”

 Camila stopped in front of her next class, sighing in relief when she noticed the teacher wasn’t there yet. She looked at Brian, shrugging before walking in and leaving him out there. Luckily the silent treatment would be enough to push him away.

 She watched the class without being bothered, apart from some curious looks from the other students, the teacher didn’t talk to her or ask her to introduce herself. It seemed the principal had made sure the teachers knew about her situation because the next two classes went by just like the first one. The only thing that kept getting in her way was how her hand would slightly shake every time she wrote something down, but she had grown used to it at this point.

 When she entered the last class before lunch, she noticed something odd. The guy she had seen talking to Brian earlier, the one looking her, was sitting by himself in the back of the room, no other student close to him. It was like everyone was trying to keep a distance from him, which didn’t make much sense. He didn’t look like the nerd type, he was in fact very cute and she thought it was weird he didn’t have any girls around.

 Camila made her way to the back, placing her bag on the desk in front of him. Sure, she could have chosen any other desk, but she was a little curious. He immediately lifted his head and looked at her, making it impossible for her not to notice his beautiful hazel eyes. He looked confused at why she chose that seat but didn’t say anything. Camila finally looked away and sat down when the teacher entered the classroom, feeling the guy’s stare burning a hole on her back the entire time.

 The cafeteria was very loud and crowded when she stepped into it for lunch and she tried her best not to let it get to her. Good thing she had brought something, so she wouldn’t have to be in line to get food. She watched how all the tables seemed to have different groups, clearly noticing the cheerleaders and athletes sitting around the same area and she was not at all surprised to see Brian was one of them. She quickly found the doors to the courtyard, surprised to see all the tables out there also taken. She was running out of ideas when she noticed a bench a few feet away under a tree.

 She walked there, regretting the decision when she saw the guy from her last class there by himself. It was once again like people were avoiding his presence, or that he liked being all alone. He had already noticed her, so she just owned up to her choice and took a seat on the other end of the bench, leaving enough space between the two of them. He once again seemed surprised that she was sitting next to him, but stayed in silence.

 Camila unpacked her sandwich and orange juice, taking the first bite while discreetly taking a look at the guy again. He was eating an apple, a book in his hand as he read the words with concentration. Before she could look away, he caught her staring and Camila felt her face burning in embarrassment as she focused back on her lunch. After a few minutes, she dared a second look and almost choked on her food when she saw that he was already staring at her. She wasn’t sure how many times they caught the other staring, but once the bell rang she immediately stood up, thinking that was the most awkward lunch she had ever experienced.

As she was making her way to her next class, Camila bumped into another student and fell to the floor. The guy had a green hoodie on and she felt all the air escaping her lungs, quickly standing up and refusing his help as she ran to the stairs. It took only seconds until she was outside the school, breathing heavily as she sat down on a bench.

 Camila felt the tears finally form in her eyes, knowing for sure there was no way she could watch the rest of her class after that. As she stood up, she noticed Brian and his lonely friend talking next to the door. Brian had a cigarette while the other one looked at her as if asking if she was okay, not making it obvious to his friend that he had seen her. Camila gave him a little smile through her tears before walking to the street, making her way back to her aunt’s house. She didn’t even care that she was skipping class on her first day. The only thing she cared about at the moment was how she found it impossible not to break down every time she saw a guy in a green hoodie for the past two years.


A/N: Let me know what you’re thinking so far!! 💕

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