1. Nothing

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Camila watched as the car entered the parking lot, paying attention to nothing in particular as she tuned out all the talking her aunt was doing. There weren’t many cars there, so she hoped they wouldn’t have to wait too much once they were inside the school. She was about to start her senior year in a completely new school the next day, but considering the circumstances, she and her aunt had a meeting with the principal beforehand. It was also a good thing she would be able to get her schedule already, not having to do the whole cliche thing of getting late on her first day because of that.

 “ You know, you could at least text her.” Her aunt complained, turning off the radio and looking at her for a second. “ You don’t have to tell her about your day or anything. Just a simple ‘Hi, mom. I’m okay.’.”

 Camila sighed and rolled her eyes, reluctantly nodding her head before opening the door of the car and walking out. She watched as her aunt did the same, her blonde hair shining with the sunlight and her gorgeous blue eyes looking at Camila with an understanding she sometimes thought she didn’t deserve. Clara was her mother’s younger sister, but Camila was never close to her since she lived in another state. She reminded Camila a lot of her mother, they had the same blonde hair and blue eyes, while Camila got stuck with dark brown hair and even darker eyes just like her father. Clara hadn’t even argued when Camila’s parents suggested maybe she should spend a year there to finish high school in a different place. Camila didn’t know how many people would take in a problematic and bitter teenage girl in their house so easily, but Clara didn’t seem to mind.

 The hallways were empty as she followed her aunt inside, but as they reached the door to the school office, Camila could hear all the talking happening inside. There were a few students with parents, probably waiting to talk to the principal just as they were, but she also noticed some students getting their schedules and arguing with the secretary about classes they wanted to switch. Turns out she wasn’t the only one who didn’t want to waste her time with that stuff on the first day.

 Taking a seat in one of the many chairs, Camila watched as her aunt managed to talk to the secretary, who informed her they would be able to talk to the principal in just a few minutes. It didn’t take long for a short bald man with glasses to walk out one of the doors and call the two of them to come in. The office was small, but very organized with many trophies and pictures all around. She had a feeling all those things weren’t supposed to fit in such a small space, but somehow they did and it didn’t look messy at all. She could definitely use some of that magic in her bedroom, both the old one back in her parents’ house and the new one at her aunt’s. She listened to the conversation happening next to her, her aunt graciously explaining her situation to the principal, who looked at Camila with uncertainty.

 “ Nothing?” The man asked, taking a look at Camila before focusing on her aunt again. It was like she wasn’t even in the room, but she had grown used to that at this point. In fact, that was exactly what she wanted.

 “ Nothing.” Her aunt confirmed. “ So we thought maybe her teachers could be informed of her situation in advance. That would make things easier for her, having to adapt to a new school and everything.”

 “ Of course.” The principal eyed Camila again, this time almost like he was scared of her or something. She thought it was kind of funny. “ You don’t have to worry about that.”

 As they left the principal’s office a few minutes later, Camila rested her back on the wall close to the door, waiting as her aunt spoke to the secretary to get Camila’s schedule. Her eyes wandered around all the people in the room until she noticed a guy talking to one of the women at the front desk. His red hair was impossible not to notice while he sent the woman that could probably be his mother a flirtatious smile. It was pretty obvious he was used to using his charm to get what he wanted from people, which in this case included switching one of his classes to another one that was supposedly full.

 “ Brian!” A younger red-haired girl that looked like his sister walked into the room with an angry look on her face. “ What’s taking so long? I have plans in an hour. I need to get home already.”

 “ Jesus, Ali! Stop yelling!” The guy rolled his eyes and Camila chuckled, observing the very obvious sibling banter. “ Just wait in the car. I’m almost done here.”

 Camila watched as the girl who looked around fourteen, maybe fifteen, walked back out in anger. The guy, who now she knew was called Brian, went back to flirting with the woman behind the desk, finally convincing her to switch his class. Camila couldn’t help the silent laugh that left her lips, instantly stopping when he noticed her looking at him. He gave the same flirtatious smile he had given the old woman and Camila wanted to roll her eyes because it was obvious this guy flirted with anyone he put his eyes on. He kept looking at her and she finally pointed behind him, making him notice his schedule was finally done before winking at Camila and leaving the room just like his sister had done.

 A few minutes later, she walked back to the parking lot with her aunt, looking with bored eyes at the schedule in her hands. Besides all the mandatory classes she either hated or didn’t care about, she was in an elective that didn’t seem so bad. She wouldn’t want or be able to get into a music class anyway, so an art class seemed like the best second option, even if she couldn’t draw for her life.

 “ About answering your mom’s texts… do you think you could do that now?” Her aunt asked as the car left the school.

 Camila reached for her phone in her pocket and opened the dozens of texts her mother had sent her that morning, finally replaying with the same words her aunt had suggested earlier. She lifted her phone and showed the screen to Clara, who smiled at her.

 “ Thank you. She was already getting on my nerves.” Clara said, making Camila smile too. “ Now what do you think about some ice cream?”

 Camila quickly nodded her head, genuinely smiling this time. It seemed her aunt knew exactly how to win her over. Ice cream was the ultimate key to her heart.


A/N: I got the idea for this story from a book I read a few years ago called "The Sea of Tranquility" by Katja Millay, which is really good and I highly recommend! This is NOT an adaptation, it is just slightly inspired by it. Please leave a comment if you like it!

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