Jadadvian - Chapter 24

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This story takes place in a point in time of our history, where once only the most powerful and shameful ruled over us simple living creatures. At that time, every part of this world hat it's own monarchy. Each step was overlooked and controlled by someone who stands at the top of society.

We go back to around 2600 BCE, which marks the beginning of the supernatural races appearance. Of course their existence reaches even far way back, but the written records didn't survive time for that long. The first monarchy of supernaturals which we are aware of, was the Jahadvian empire.
Called a tropical region for its temperature being 65 degree F or above, the empire was certainly famous for its fertile soil. With its exotic plants, high mountains, deserts with beautiful oases and its rich capital standing tall in the Centre of it all, made it a busy country. People made a living by commuting in and out or visited the country to simply enjoy the daily held festivities.

However, times weren't always so prosperous. Only after the ninth prince ascended the throne, could the empire free itself from the tyranny of his father the tribe chief and his siblings. Before the Jahadvian empire was founded under the rule of the ninth prince, it was only a small city, named Scherchi.
Back then, supernaturals didn't have much space to live out our lives to the fullest, so we had the system of tribes in each city.
City's could only survive through alliances between each other. Which the tyrannical tribe chief of Scherchi dissolved through wars and various bloody schemes. Ruling with an iron fist. The ninth prince siblings were influenced by the ideals of their father, what made them behave accordingly.

Since the ninth prince wasn't the tribes chieftess son, making him the last on the list of heirs to the chieftain succession. Due to that he was ignored and tossed aside. The prince always sneaked out of the palace to spend time outside, instead of focusing on his lessons. His carefree and charismatic demeanor made him trustworthy, which led to the fact that many people were attracted to him.
Including his future most trusted comrades and his empress, which aided him on his path of establishing the empire. Together they brought down the tyrannical chief and the remaining of the chieftain family. After that, they quickly established peaceful alliances with the rest of the world.

Later on, after ensuring stable relationships to the other nations, the small city Scherchi rose up as the most powerful empire at that time.

Jahadvian was the name the royal family gave themselves, as well as their empire. Said to represent the first empress, who came from mixed blood and was the one who had the affection of the emperor and their people on her side.

Empress Jahadvian was skilled in tieing national and international relations, making her the direct ambassador for affairs between the Lycans and vampires, which were hostile towards each other. To maintain alliances from all over the world, a council between every representative of the leading figures was founded. Including even our first ancestors, the Kuran family.

In order to keep the promise of good relations to the Lycans, the head of the Kuran family, swore his loyalty to the royal family of Jahadvian.
It was an oath they had pronounced in front of all races, bounding them to Jahadvian royalty.

Through several decades, supernaturals lived in peace with humans, aiding them to further develop.
Until one day, a human and supernatural fought m, resulting in the death of the supernatural.
Suspicion arose...how could a human kill a supernatural ? They were naturally born weaker than the superior race of supernaturals.

Decades of peace slowly fell apart. A meeting between all monarchs around the world was held, with the Neureka desert chosen as neutral ground for negotiations.

Firstly, because fighting in this area is seen as impossible, due to the immense heat and inflexibility.
Secondly, Neureka was inside Jahadvian territory. The empire was only interested in fighting their national wars. Even if their allies needed help, Jahadvians armed forces only came at the peak of battle, to decide the outcome to their wishes.
For that reason, they had the trust of their friends and the fear of their foes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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