Letter Number Eighteen

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Dear God,

Moments after the tears had sprung from my eyes and dripped down my face Trey began to turn back to my room. I, as quickly as possible while wheeling my iv stand around, scampered back to my bed and I, not very secretively, hid my face. The door swung open and it was all I could do to not look at him. He called my name and when I didn't answer he walked over to the other side of my bed that I had turned to when he came in the room. My eyes were screwed shut so I didn't realize what he was doing until I involuntarily let out a fit of giggles. His hands grazed over the tips of my stomach and I couldn't stop the laughter. When I rolled over because I could no longer breath into my pillow, he abruptly stopped. He then asked me what had happened. It was then that I realized that he had seen that I had been crying. It must have not been hard to miss once I pulled my face away from my pillow because of my red puffy eyes and my tear streaked face. I had a decision to make. I could confess my feelings or I could hide them.

I chose the later.

I told Trey that my tumor had begun to start hurting way more than usual and that was why I had been crying. His face showed that he believed me. I also saw something else; I could tell he was hiding something from me.

For a moment he was silent and then he quickly nodded and left the room. For the thousandth time in my hospital stay I wondered what I had done wrong and why he had left me. Little did I know, what he knew was sadness to everyone but me.

Please help.


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