Letter Number Thirteen

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Dear God,

Trey came back today and asked me if I liked the book so far. He asked me what part I was at and I didn't want to tell him that I hadn't even started yet so I told him that I was at the part when the runners go into the maze. I think he realized by my questionable tone that I had not read the book so he asked if I had read the part about where the aliens attack. Of coarse I said yes and went into an elaborate explanation about how scary it was and how they flew over the maze. At some point during my rambling Trey smacked his hand on my mouth and made my voice muffle. Then, he laughed. It was an amazing laugh and it filled my dark room with such an amazing light that I am still wondering if you sent him down to be my angle. After he sobered up he explained to me that he knew I had not read the book because there were no aliens. His boisterous laughter filled the room again as my face flared up and turned a bright red. He removed his hand from my mouth after that and asked me if I wanted him to read the book to me. I, while still looking down at my lap, nodded yes and he picked up my unopened book and began reading about Tomas and his travel up the cage. 

At some point I must have fallen asleep and so here I am writing this letter to you. Oh God, for that brief period of time I forgot about all of the pain in my head and I felt happiness for the first time in years. He must be my angle. I think I would like to keep him.

Thank you for the help. I just need some more now.


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